Chapter 27: What really happened

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Heather Chandler's POV

I took Veronica's hand and we walked back out into my room, I grabbed her glasses, "If you can take out your contacts." She handed them to me and I went and threw them away. I then put her glasses on her face and sat down next to her. I wrapped the blanket at the end of my bed around her and then she cuddled up to me. I looked over at Heather and Heather, "If you two need pajamas you know where they are." I said kindly. Mac went into my closet, she closed the door and then came out wearing a pair of her pajamas. After that we all just kind of sat there looking at Veronica.

It was late, Mac and Duke were in the guest room and I couldn't fall asleep. I looked over at Veronica and she was also still awake. "Heather, are you still up?"


She moved closer to me, "I think I'm ready to talk."

I look at her, "Are you sure?" She nodded.

"JD was there."

I felt my heart stop. "What did he do, I swear I'll kill him." I saw tears start to fill her eyes. But before she could say anything else I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey it's Heather." It was Mac. I walked over and open the door, "I heard talking, and I can't sleep so I was wondering if I could come over here?" I looked at Veronica, she nodded.

"Yeah, come on in." I moved so she could come in. Right away I saw her run over to Veronica.

I closed the door and walked back over to my bed, I sat down next to Veronica. Mac was sitting in front of us. "Can I tell her?" Veronica nodded.

"JD was at the party."

She looked very confused, "I thought he was dead." I shook my head.

I looked back at my sweet girlfriend, "Did anything else happen." She nodded.

"He, he, he..." she paused. "He raped me." I felt my heart break. I pulled Veronica into a hug. Her breath was shaky. I looked at Mac and she looked back, neither of us knew what to do. I kept her in my embrace, I never wanted to let go of her, I was never gonna let her out of my sight again. Veronica eventually let go and the second she did Mac brought her into a tight hug.

Mac and I stayed up talking and eventually Veronica fell asleep. I watched her sleep, her eyes were still red but other then that she looked so peaceful.

She had been asleep for less than an hour when the peace ended. She looked so distressed and I heard her mumbling. I looked at Mac and she shrugged. "Veronica?" I called her name softly, I nudged her. "Hey...hun, wake up." I put my head on her forehead, she was sweating bullets. "Ronnie!" I said her name a little louder this time. Her eyes started to flutter and then she looked up at me. There were already tears falling down her face. "Are you ok?" I asked, but she shook her head. "What happened?" I grabbed her hand and looked into her tired eyes. I tried to wipe away a few of the tears but they were always replaced with new ones.

"N-n-nothing, I'm o-ok."

"You don't have to talk about it but I know you're not ok."

"Hey, I'm actually getting kind of tired so I'll see you two in a couple hours." Mac said before walking out the door. Veronica looked at me and then laid her head in my lap. I turned on the TV and before I knew it she was sleeping again. I looked down at her, she had already gone through some much I don't think I could let her go through another terrible thing.

That Smile (a Chansaw story) EDITING Where stories live. Discover now