The Twins 10/30/05-10/31/05

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Nikki's POV

I'm just stepping off stage after our final bow when Allen approaches with a smile.

"Jenny's having the babies." He says happily.

I grin.

"I gotta go." I answer in a rush.

He pats my back.

"Good luck kid." He laughs.

I know she doesn't want me there, but I'm going anyway. I hale a cab outside the arena. I reach the airport and catch the earliest flight to LA. Once there I'm in a cab again. It's after midnight before I make it to the hospital. I ask for Miss Grey at the front desk. The woman looked at me like I was crazy. I'm still in full make up. Duke Jenny's brother just happened to be passing by and vouched for me.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"I'll take you." He grins at my face. Maybe you should wash the makeup off first?" He shows me a bathroom and I wash my face the best I can.
"Better," he says. "she's still in labor." He points out the room. Standing in front of the door is the doctor and Jenny's Mom.

"She getting weak. It's like she's not trying to push. I want to do a c section. I can save her and maybe save one of the babies.

I'm terrified I push passed them and into the room. Her eyes are closed. She groans in pain.

"Jenny," I cry

"Nikki," she whimpers. Her eyes are glazed. She looks so pale and weak. I'm terrified for her.

"Help me up Nikki. I need to push." She pants. I help her into position. She strains and pushes.  Then leans against me for support.

"The baby is coming." The nurse hollers for the doctor. The doctor dashes back in. He checks her.

"That's more like it. I need you to do it again." He encourages.

Jenny rests her head against me.

Here's another contraction now push." The nurse whispers.

I take her weight as she strains and cries out. Her mother has moved to her side and is encouraging her.

"The first ones here." The doctor announces. I hear the baby cry and I feel tears in my eyes.

She moans in pain. Oh god she seems so worn.

"Ok you have to do it again." The doctor says.

I support her again as she strains and pushes sweat drips from her face.

"That's it I see his head.." He exclaims.

Jenny feels another contraction strains and bares down. She's shaking with her effort.

"We got him." The doctor smiles with relief. The little guy gives out a squall and lets everyone know his opinion. Jenny leans limply against me. I ease her down but I don't let go of her. She smiles weakly at me.

A little while later I watch as Jenny holds our boys for the first time. They are Identical twins. They were born early but healthy. Jenny gave us a scare but she's fine now. The doctor really seems amazed. I'm over whelmed with emotions when I get to hold them. They are beautiful. I glace at Jenny she has fallen asleep. We had talked about names before the split and she didn't change them. We decided on Daegon Thomas and Daemon Joseph. I smile it feels good to be so close to her even if it's temporary.

Mrs Grey comes into the room quietly and kisses me on the cheek.

"What's that for?" I blush.

"For coming even when she told you to stay away. I'm positive you are What gave her that last much needed strength." She smiles and brushes my hair away from my face.

"Jenny's POV

I wake to find Nikki asleep in the recliner. I know I told him I didn't want him here, but when he showed I was so glad to see him. I was so tired until I saw him. He had been so good last night helping me with the babies. Bringing them to me when they needed fed and helping change them.

I need to go to the bathroom I try to get up without disturbing Nikki or the babies. Sitting up hurts I feel like my lower regions have gone through battle. I put one foot on the floor and Nikki opens his eyes half way.

"What's you doing?" He asks.

"Trying to go to the bathroom." I groan.

"Let me help you." He gets up and escorts me to the bathroom. I really hate feeling weak. When I'm finished he escorts me back to bed.

The babies wake and start to cry. Nikki changes Daegon as I change Daemon and put him to my breast. He brings Daegon to me after and tries to help him latch on to the other breast.

"Come on little guy get it while you can later girls get mean and tell you no." He chuckles when Daegon finally latches on.

"It's official I've littered." I sigh.

"It could have..." He starts and I cut him off.

"Nooo don't you dare temp fate."

"I feel really stupid but how are you telling them apart?" He studies them both closely.

"It's ok it took me a bit too. They are mirror image. Daegon has a dimple on his left cheek. Daemon has one on his right cheek." I show him.

We sit quietly for awhile as the babies nurse. Nikki strokes their little heads.

Neither of us bring up the future. We don't want to ruin this moment of closeness.

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