Little Miracles

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Jenny's POV

  I'm afraid as the doctor examines me. But he tells me I'm just bruised. Once I tell him I'm pregnant he does a pelvic exam and gives the news I'm not bleeding. He calls for an ultrasound to check on the baby.  I lay waiting for them to bring in the machine. When I see Nikki and Allen outside the room waiting. The nurse finally lets them in. Allen comes straight over and hugs me gently. Nikki waits just looking at his shoes.

    "How's everything?" Allen asks.

    "I'm ok so far. They're going to do an ultrasound to check the baby." I answer.

   The doctor announces his presence as he comes in and begins to set up. He chats as he does. He finds the baby quickly and the heartbeat is strong. He looks closer and studies the screen silently.

    "Is everything ok?" I ask worriedly. Nikki had slowly made his way to my side.

     "Everythings fine." he smiles. He moves the probe slightly and a second heartbeat joins the first in a duet. "There's two babies, not just one.

     "Oh," is all I can say as I process this new bit of information. My husband hated how fertile I was. I glance at Nikki fearful, he just stands speechless.

    "They seem fine and so do you." The doctor says. "I do want you off your feet as much as possible for a week to be sure." He exits leaving us to digest as we wait for my discharge papers.

    "Jenny I was such an ass. I'm sorry." Nikki whispers. "I just don't understand you said you were on the pill."

    "I was told It was my epilepsy medication it made the type of birth control pill I was taking ineffective. I might as well have been taking sugar pills." I say with a sigh.

    "I should have know better that you wouldn't go behind my back with something this important." He says quietly. "Will you forgive me?" He pleads.

   "Yes." I answer softly and hide my head against his chest. I don't want him to know how badly his anger had frightened me.

   Back at the hotel I was put to bed. Between Nikki, Allen and our over protected security guards. I don't think my feet have hit the ground since I left the hospital. They finally let me be when Nikki had to leave to the venue. Well if I'm stuck I might as well spend the time writing something I haven't gotten to do much of lately.

It's late when Nikki makes his way back. I'm sleepy and dose as he takes a shower. Feeling him crawl into bed I cuddle close and begin to fall into a deeper sleep.

     "Jenny?" Nikki whispers.

      "What?" I say sleepily.

      "Maybe you should cancel the rest of your dates and go home early." He suggests.

      "Why?" I ask and yawn.

      "Because I talked the doctor and he said carrying twins is a high risk pregnancy." He answers. "I want you to be safe."

     "I want to finish this. It's only three more weeks Nikki. I'll take it easy I promise." I try to reassure him. I'm so sleepy I can't keep my eyes open.

     "We will talk more tomorrow." He gives in for now and I finally drift off to sleep.

Nikki's POV

    I lay spooning Jenny. I'm so happy she forgave me. I'm not sure I deserved it so quickly, but it's her way. I reach for her tummy and rub it. Damn I can't believe it we're gonna have twins. I'm blow away, but I can't be angry at her. It's not her fault she gets pregnant so easily. She was trying not to by taking the pill. Then I think of Donna what if she's pregnant too. I groan I just have to hope her plan to get pregnant didn't work. I can't understand why she would want another child with me. We barely tolerate each other most of the time.

    Having Jenny cuddled up to me is making me sleepy. I softly kiss her neck and close my eyes.



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