Epilogue Game Day January 2020

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Nikki's POV

Morning in the Sixx Casa. I'm a very happily married man with a new baby. Courtney and my children are my life. I smile at little Ruby as she has her breakfast.

"Nikki?" Courtney says softly.

"Yeah Babe." I answer as I take a drink of coffee.

"Can I ask you something?" She asks.

"Sure what's on your mind." I grin.

"What happened between you and Jenny?" She asks. "I mean there are a lot of stories."

"Why so curious?" I ask her.

"I don't know. I guess I am just kinda curious. My mom told me it was a very passionate affair." She says her chin resting on her palm

I sigh.

"I was stupid. I brought all my past relationship baggage and dirt into ours. When I was on tour I kept hearing she was out with Crystal. I came home taking a break before I went back out on the road. I found Crystal there. They weren't doing anything. I was just road weary. I went off on her. I accused her of cheating. That she was no better then the rest. I said awful things to her. Then I left. If I saw our home number if it wasn't one of my kids. I'd hang up. By the time I came to my senses. she was with Crystal. We are friends now but that took some time." I sigh again. "She didn't deserve the way I treated her.

"That's sad." She whispers. "Do you still love her Nikki?"

"I care for her. She's the mother of my Children. Courtney I love you." I answer leaning close I give her a kiss. "Never doubt that."

"I think she still loves you the same." Courtney says.

"I doubt that." I comment.

"I've caught her looking at you with such a soft expression when she thinks no one else is looking." Courtney sighs. "It just worries me sometimes" She kisses me ending the conversation. she gets up and takes the baby to clean her up.

She doesn't have anything to worry about. Jenny and I have been over for years. The bell rings. I smile. I rush to answer.

"Hey boys." I hug them both the twins now like to be called Joe and Tom.

"Hey Dad." They grin and then rush past me into the kitchen hoping Courtney has made cookies.

"Hey stay out of the snacks those are for Sunday game day." I holler at them.

"Hi Nikki." Jenny smiles. She holds the newest addition to the family Jade. Crystal stands close to her So I hug them both.

"Come in ladies." I grin. It's family day. All my kids should be here to watch the game. I love it.

As soon as Courtney comes back with Ruby. I steal both babies and head for my chair.

"You're both mine now." I tickle them and they both giggle.

"Yeah until they need to be fed or changed." Crystal quips. I grin and snuggle them.

Courtney's POV

"I'm sorry we are here early. Tom and Joe wouldn't leave me and Crystal alone." Jenny says and grins.

"It's ok." I reassure her.

"Need any help?" She asks. I give her some tasks and we chat as we work. She's easy to like. At first I thought her all about family and kids was just her way of staying close to Nikki. She honestly believes this is the way it should be. Everyone getting along for the kids.

I hadn't been happy when I found out Nikki had agreed to donate sperm to get Jenny pregnant. I was hurt. I started thinking maybe he wasn't being faithful. Once he showed me so much attention during and after my pregnancy. I got over it but it was hard. I guess they had been trying artificial insemination for several months it didn't work. Jenny was broken hearted. It wasn't Jenny who asked though. It was Crystal. Normally the thought of anything Nikki related made Crystal agitated. So for her to ask Nikki it must in her mind been the last chance. Nikki had agreed to step away he wasn't the father. He left Crystal and Jenny to experience her pregnancy as a couple. But when the baby was born it was so hard on him. I felt it had been a mistake. One day it changed Crystal handed Jade to Nikki and told her "Here go to your Daddy." The man's eyes just lit up. So here we are the most unusual family I've ever be apart of. I know they still have feelings for each other. I've seen them together sitting close enjoying an inside joke.They both seem at this moment to be content with things as they are. Jenny loves Crystal. Nikki loves me.

Jenny's POV

I smile. Nikki looks so content with the babies. I had been so grateful when he had helped me get pregnant. I didn't know he didn't talked to his wife first. I'm glad they had worked it out between the two of them. I love everyone in this home. I wouldn't want to hurt any of them. I'm not saying it happened overnight. It took time. I was jealous of Courtney. Sometimes I still am. I'm not a saint by any means. There are times I miss Nikki's touch.

We finish placing the snacks on the trays and join our family in front of the tv for the game. I think I'm gonna disagree with Nikki and root for the Titans.

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