Mary's Birthday 6/29/05

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Nikki's POV

Mary is 5 today. They grow so fast. I've come over early to help set up. Donna is bringing the kids over later. I told her she didn't have to come, but she is insisting. I enter by the side door and place my gifts on the antique buffet cabinet with the rest. I hear Jenny talking to her friend Miranda in her office. So I head in that direction.

"So are you going to marry lover boy when he ditches the wife?" Miranda asks with a laugh.

"Marriage I don't know." Jenny answers. "I love him isn't that enough."

"What you doubting the cheating Bastard won't change his ways?" Miranda asks sarcastically.

"Be nice and no that's not the reason." She sighs.

"Oh Jenny Nikki isn't Him. He's not gonna treat your wedding ring as the key to your next prison." She says softly. "And you need to take it easy." She changes the subject.

"Don't start on me too. It's not like this is the first time I've had twins." She laughs.

"What do you mean this isn't the first time you've had twins?" I step through the door. "Where are they? Who was the father?" I'm going from frustrated to being pissed. she has so many damn secrets.

Miranda excuses herself leaving us alone. I kick the door shut behind her ass.

"Sit let me explain." She says calmly.

"No I'm find standing." I glare. "So explain I'm listening."

"It's not what you think. It was in vitro fertilization. I was carrying babies for my sister Jolene and her Husband." She's says.

"Oh." I Whisper and take a seat. My anger slowly disappears
" Why did you keep it a secret? I don't remember you being pregnant?"

"2003 if you remember I went to Idaho for 4 months. I wasn't trying to keep it a secret from you. I didn't want it in some magazine. You were trying to make things work with Donna. I figured they would jump to conclusions that weren't true." She explains.

"I wish you would have told me. I've never stopped caring for you even when we were apart. It's amazing what you did but it must have been hard." I take her hand.

"It was worth it. They are happy. You will get to meet the babies today. They will be here for the party." She smiles happily.

"Jenny I'm sorry for ease dropping." I look into her eyes. "I would never try to keep you caged." I give her a soft kiss. I pull her to her feet. We have decorating to do. I smirk I'm excited to meet the little ones Jenny fostered inside herself for 9 months. I just wish she'd tell me shit. I hate being smacked in the face with it.

The intercom in Jenny's office goes off.

"Your favorite niece and nephew are here." Noah announces with a chuckle.

There here Nikki, there here." She squeals joyfully. She's out the door to greet them. Damn she can still move fast. I follow behind her. She rushes to hug two little toddlers. Her sister smiles indulgently. She brings them to me.

"Meet your uncle Nikki." They smile. "This is Colleen and Ethan." Jenny grins. She nuzzles them making them giggle before she hands them back to their parents.

Jenny's POV

I didn't like keeping things from him. A lot things happened I didn't want him to think he had to protect me from every little thing. People can be unkind a lot was said about me. It took awhile for me to prove myself. Carrying babies for my sister was something I was happy to do. But it would have been a shit storm if I had let it go public that I was pregnant again. I was keeping my distance if it wasn't about the kids I kept it to myself.

"Why don't you go outside and help Duke with the kids." I smile at Nikki." We ladies have the set up under control in here."

"Are you sure?" He grins.

"Yes go have fun." I shoo him outside.

I go back to getting the the dining room ready. My mom, Jolene, and Miranda are busy chatting as much as decorating. It will get done in time. Some of the decorations will stay up for tomorrow with some changes. Tomorrow is Elisa's birthday. The little princesses didn't want to share a party and I don't blame them.

My mind drifts back to Nikki and the night he caught me at the Whiskey. I was just gonna finish my drink and catch a cab home and finish off my night solo. Cindy already had ditched me for some guy. I guess his friend thought he was gonna get lucky too. He wasn't I wasn't that wasted yet. I was about to tell him so when he mashed his face against mine yuk. Then Nikki comes to my rescue unsolicited of course and carries me out to his car. Once he found out I was using again there went me keeping my distance. I'm glad for his intervention, but once he got his foot back in the door. He didn't seem to want to leave.

Donna showed with the other half of the sixx horde and the party started. I always get my girls a tiara ever year. Mary sits in her chair of honor and giggles. My brother has been addressing her as my lady all day. We sing happy birthday amazingly somewhat in tune. The kids singing better then the adults. The candles are blown out. The Princess is given the first piece of cake of course. Then everyone else gets their share. I think Duke has decided he is the entertainment. His comedy is clean tonight for the children. He has everyone rolling with laughter. I think he missed his true calling. He has also found the ridiculous wand they made for me when I'm Gwyneth GoodWitch. He's managed to pixie dust all the kids and a few adults including Donna. I had to give her credit. She took it with a smile.

"Daddy looks me and Mama match." Frankie giggles delighted about the dusting of glitter.

"Oh my gosh you do." He chuckles.

After the cake and Presents. The girls find their wings from their costume trunk and decide they are all fairies. That's pretty much how the night ends. With tiny little fairies cuddled and asleep on the couch. Nikki, Donna, and I agree that's where they should stay. If not the glitter would get everywhere. The rest of the kids shower before bed in hopes to get it off.

I walk Nikki and Donna to door.

"Thanks for letting the kids stay the night." I say. It gives them more time together.

"No problem." Nikki smiles.

"I'll see you both again tomorrow." I ask.

"Yes." Donna answers for the both of them.

"Good night then." I smile.

"Good night." She smiles back. It looks a little strained.

I close the door behind them and hurry to settle my guests for the night. I'm tired and I have another party to throw tomorrow.

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