Arc 1: Counterattack In The End Of The World (1)

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Closed his eyes and opened, the front is still a cold metal color, Ye SiNian's expression stunned.

[Accept Yes/No]

The cold electronic sound of the ice rang in the ear, and Ye SiNian raised his hand slightly to look at the ring on the slender ring finger.

As a shadow emperor who was originally on the altar, Ye SiNian's appearance is naturally impeccable, especially the narrow and long phoenix eye, the tail of the eye is tilted upwards, and the eye waves are swaying and looking bright, black and white. They are unforgettable.

With a superb appearance and superb acting skills, Ye SiNian finally boarded the title of the Emperor, but did not expect a car accident to happen suddenly. He was sucked into this strange space at the moment of life and death, and he was already bound by the system when he woke up. The intelligent system of the "cannonash counterattack system", under the threat and temptation to completely obliterate and return to reality, embarked on the road of continuous efforts to achieve the counterattack of cannon fodder.

So far, he has gone to hundreds of worlds to do the task, and the points he have accumulated are a terrible number. As long as he completes several tasks and fills the huge hourglass in the corner of the room, he can completely get rid of the system control, returning to his world.

Although he does not have much nostalgia for the original world, it is much better than being completely controlled by the system.

At least, you can have freedom even if you will die.

But what happened now?

Ye SiNian's dark eyes flashed, and it was quite unbelievable. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the virtual control panel in front of him.

There are only a few lines of simple text on the control panel that is similar in size to the average computer. It is completely different from the style of the demanding extremes. It only requires the host to complete the counterattack of the cannon fodder. During the period, everything can be freely played, and the rewards are still inexplicably rich. Even let him fill the hourglass back to the real world.

The most incredible thing is that the system has started the autonomous manual mode.

In other words, he is not forced to do what the system wants but can do whatever he wants in the future?

After being happy for a moment, he calmed and thought seriously having his doubt.

According to the system, he can't wait to specify the size of the dead host. The nature of his tone is high. What is happening that forces it to let go of control and allow the host to play freely?

It’s not always true, as the system itself explains, is trying new management methods?

Is it pumped?

Ye SiNian’s expression frowned strangely.

[Accept Yes/No]

The control panel flashes and the bottom red selection button is turned off.

No matter what happens in the system, it is serious to accumulate points at an early date, and it can be autonomous. It is a great news for him.

Twilight glimmers, Ye Sinian retreats to the thoughts of unknown places, gently beheaded, sounds like cold jade: "Yes."

[The host successfully accepts the task and starts transmitting]

When you open your eyes again, everything in front of you has completely changed.

Ye SiNian looked at the room in his eyes, and the line of sight quickly swept through the simple arrangement inside the house to make sure there was nothing unusual. Then he sat up slowly.

Quickly transmigration bl : Cannon Fodder Counterattack SystemWhere stories live. Discover now