Arc 1: Counterattack In The End Of The World (8)

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The plan to attack Yunxi City, which was planned for a long time, was voted against and the meeting was not happy.

Ye Liu clung to his lips, and the plan that cost countless efforts was denied. Rao was his firm mind and he was somewhat frustrated.

Before Qin Shiyue brought back so many materials, it not only eased the dilemma of the lack of materials in the base, but also ignited their hopes.

The end of the world suddenly broke out. They didn’t respond to the world. They were in a mess. Large quantities of materials were stranded in the city. They had no hope of collecting materials in the city where the zombies were gathered, but Qin Shiyue’s success made them see hope. .

It is said that after Ye Si Nian killed the fourth-level zombies who were talking about the color change, the squad of the base abilities rushed into Qingyi County, and the collected materials almost made everyone earn. The fullness of the surplus also prompted them to turn their attention to other cities.

Ye Liu naturally will not let go of this opportunity. According to the current momentum, he can’t be strong in Jingcheng. He can only hope to attack other cities, so as to make a big effort to absorb more talents. Strong strength.

Of course, he does not want to share with his opponents, but there are so many zombies in a city, and his own strength is almost impossible to retreat, let alone collect valuable materials.

He was ready to be opened by the lion, but did not expect that Qin Shiyue would simply veto.

"According to satellite feedback images, Yunxi City has at least one hundred three-level zombies, ten four-level zombies and six five-level zombies, and at least millions of low-level zombies, relying solely on the power of our hands. It is a nonsense to want to attack Yunxi City. It is tantamount to finding a dead end."

Ye Liu can clearly recall the way Qin Shiyue said when he said this sentence. His faceless expression contains almost no other emotions, but he feels that it is more embarrassing than full of ridicule.

It has been prepared for so long, and the collected information is not even as detailed as the photos that others have thrown out. It is really a shame.

"Hey..." Li Feiyan followed Ye Liu and looked at his tired face, and he stopped talking.

"Reassured, I am fine." Ye Liu licked his hair and comforted: "You go back first, I still have something."

The armed forces under his command were relatively weak. The previous troubles on the stage of Ye Si’s dynasty made him lose countless people in an instant. People thought that he could even give up even his parents. He would not be willing to join him. The team, which led to his strength reduction, coupled with Qin Shiyue's target, he can now be considered to be struggling in the base, otherwise it will not be desperate to attack Yunxi City.

He is now tearing up Ye Sinian’s heart, but now that he has reached this point, he can only contact other forces with great enthusiasm and seek cooperation to survive the temporary crisis.

Leaning over the lover's forehead kissed, Ye Liudao: "We don't have much time, your experiment..."

Li Feiyan flashed a hint of hesitation and said: "I will speed up, you can rest assured."

"Yeah." Ye Liu patted him on the shoulder and saw his words and thoughts. He couldn't help but care about the earth: "Is there anything else?"

"...No." Li Feiyan raised a smile, fluttering to the disappointment of his eyes, and shook his head: "Nothing."


In the heavily guarded laboratory, Ye Sinian was wearing a white coat and was standing at the bench next to the three-stage crystal nucleus.

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