Arc 7: Counterattack Of The Gray Cat (8-9)

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At this time everything seems to be gone, and Audrey is holding on to his own passionate little milk cat, and his deep eyes are full of gentle love.

He looked down at the blue-eyed eyes like the sea, and the heart trembled unconsciously because of the full joy.

Thinking of the purpose of his trip, the gentleness of Odley's eyebrows was replaced by a serious look. He let go of his lover's thin waist and lifted his face to open the distance.

There was a speculation between the electric light and the flint in my mind. Yesi’s eyes blinked in disarray, and a pair of phoenixes were big, and they stared at the moment and the whole gas field became a strong and serious lover.

Odley licked her lips, and there was a trace of tension in the deep-colored pupils, but more of it was firm. He reached out and his palm was a beautiful and delicate golden scallop.

Looking straight at the lover in front of him, Odrip’s other hand on the side of his body moved invisibly with his fingertips. His slender eyebrows shook softly and his voice was low and powerful: “Ian, you are willing, and me. Is it a partner?"

Ye Si Nian's blue eyes slammed through a bright light, and his heartbeat almost stopped. He looked at the lover with a serious expression, and some forgot how to react.


The stunned Eli finally couldn’t stand it anymore. He screamed as he stretched his neck and instantly turned into a mighty winged lion and tiger beast, staring fiercely at the abominable, wanting to turn The mermaid who walked his little milk cat, the sharp and sharp teeth reflected the cold light in the light of the fire, and the anger was violent.

The sweet atmosphere of almost floating pink bubbles was instantly broken, and everyone returned to God with a tangled expression on his face.

Eli's favored younger son in the tribe is in the eyes, and this performance has long been expected.

You know, although Ian is not strong and strong, my brother is beautiful, but he looks beautiful! There is no young orc in the tribe who wants to go to the courtesy, but Eli has always been watching. They are all thieves and thieves. I didn’t expect to be robbed by the mermaid.

People are either regretful or unfair, but at this time they can't help but look at the place and look at the excitement.

Was scared back by his father, and Ye Si-nian took aim at the big cat that was rushing to the eye, and quickly took the small scallops on the hands of Audrey. Loud: "I am willing!"


Eli, who had just planned to rush on, was shocked by his foot and was almost unstable. He almost fell to the ground without image.

The action stopped, and the tail behind him was stiff. He raised his furry head and stared at his little milk cat, unbelievable.

What did Ian just say? Did he not hear it wrong? !

Almost everyone's gaze was projected. Ye Sinian's furry ears shook. He licked his lips and felt a little embarrassed about his eager performance.

Audrey’s eyes were full of surprises. He reached out to the waist of the little lover, and the movement was soft but he could not refuse to kiss the lips that said he was willing.

The beast is on the top, just now he was so nervous that it was indescribable. The lover did not respond, and he even prepared for the robbery!

Fortunately, everything is done in the end.

apart from……

Another pair of lovers were together under the witness of the beast, and almost everyone joined the ranks of cheers.

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