Arc 1: Counterattack In The End Of The World (15 End)

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Yates holding a wine glass in slanting against the balcony railing, micro Gouzhuo lips looked lively picture reception site each base charge Gongchoujiaocuo.

Court stood a dish of beautifully produced food, a huge amount of food consumed, and if not perhaps even before the end of the world are on the table, but now it is very extravagant, people in the last days of struggling probably have not seen long, long time So much food.

Even so, many people are too lazy to take a look at it. At most, they only politely take a bite and frown, and it looks very unpleasant.

The curvature of Ye Si Nian’s lips was more obvious, and he was very happy to have a drink.

It seems that the price can be mentioned again, after all, the fat sheep does not slaughter and not slaughter!

Qin Shiyue looked for a long time to find his little lover in the corner of this hidden balcony, habitually taking people into his arms, and then he said: "How do you hide here?"

"Too lazy to socialize." Ye Sinian glanced at him. "I don't know how many people want to dig me away, are you willing?"

"They dare!" When it comes to this Qin Shiyue, he is very worried. If you buy a power trigger, even if you want to dig his corner, how is it going!

The Huaizhong people took a little tighter. Qin Shiyue bowed his head and sipped a sip on the red lips moistened by the red wine. While reminiscent of the wine, he softly whispered: "You must hold the small year." Those are not good people! Don't believe it!"

Ye Si Nian gave him a look, how to talk about a loved one is stupid so much!

Seeing what he didn't believe, Qin Shiyue was in a hurry, grabbed his waist and picked him up and sat on the balcony railing, slamming his lips and tongue to block what he might say.

Ye Si Nian was shocked. He just wanted to frown and get angry. When he was neutral, he broke into a messy tongue and felt the obvious anxiety and anxiety of the man in front of him. Ye Sinian’s big fire also went out, and the movement was soft. Looking at his back neck, he obeyed his mouth and responded to his kiss.

Just as the two kissed each other hard, there was a chuckle from not far away.

Ye Si Nian’s ear was red, and finally realized that it was still in the reception. The balcony was not a safe place at all. He was so busy that he pushed the Qin Shiyue, who had put his hand into his clothes.

Qin Shiyue kissed his neck and buried his face in the shoulders of Yessian.

For a long while, the two talents returned to normal. Qin Shiyue finished the whole year's clothes, and the eyes turned back unpleasantly. I wanted to see which ones didn't bother me.

A well-dressed lady smiled and walked out of the shadows. Although it seemed to be well maintained, the serene temperament of her age showed that her age was not young.

Who to see who is at once a black Qin Shiyue face, my heart gave a jump.

"Baby, is this your lover?" Dianzhuang Shuya's lady smiled softly and her voice was very close.


Qin Shiyue licked his lips and his face was black.

Treasure... baby?

Ye Si Nian’s expression was strange for a few seconds, and he saw the face of his lover, and he did not hear it.

"How, staying outside for so many years, even the mother does not recognize it?!" The gentle and gentle lady in the previous second watched him licking his lips and did not speak, immediately when the apricot eyes squinted, Liu Mei was upright.

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