Escape from the Dark Island (9)

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Ye Sinian clenched his knife in his hand and walked silently. He looked up at the top of his head from time to time with a strange expression.

Maroon's short hair is squatting, and the person who walks in front of the road is strong and strong. The original master is not short, but in front of him is like a teenager. Ye Sinian sighed and couldn't help himself. I was killed for this height difference.

Always feeling... very majestic...

Hey! After pumping the mouth of the mouth, Ye Sinian looked up again at the top of his chestnut-colored head, and I wondered why he had raised some strange regrets.

How can you become a grown-up without a small leaf?

How cute it was before...

The heart flashed through a mysterious speculation, and Ye Sinian’s apex trembled, and the dark green phoenix flashed a glimmer of light.

The small green leaf that shines on the top of the soft head slowly overlaps with the leafy ornament on the ring.

Ye Si Nian blinked sharply, his eyes fixed on the head of the hedgehog in front of him, as if to see a flower.

Of course, he wants to see the leaves more than flowers.

image? Not like?

Is it like it? ?

Should it be like that? ? ?

The more I saw the more similar the shape, the younger the eyebrows, the brighter the light in the eyes.

If not, how does it naturally feel like I want to be close? Is there really such a coincidence under the sun? The little thing just ran from myself, and there was a different leaf in addition to the color?

If so, why doesn't he remember his way at all? And...and grow up so much more than yourself? !

The most important thing is, if he is really the little leaf, then... who is that bastard? Also among the questers?

Who is it?

The chaotic and addictive dreams flashed through my mind, like a meteor across the dark night sky, and the ear suddenly sounded the hoarse to the ultimate magnetic voice, the kind of person who wanted to fall completely into the darkness. Fast, stunned his heart, Ye Si Nian's spirit slammed, the dark green pupil could not help but shrunk.


That voice is called... is it the year? !

The names of other skeptics in my mind were instantly drawn from the shortlist, and Yesian slammed his footsteps, and the expression on his face seemed like a sudden realization...

"Yesian?" He noticed that the person behind him stopped his footsteps. Allen looked back at Ye Sinian, and his eyes were curious and awkward.

"..." Allen licked the green eyes and looked at him in the direction of his fingers. It was a strong man who was two meters tall. He looked very clever and seriously nodded. "Really Very beautiful!"

Pretending Ye Si Nian: "..."

Who is this stupid son! (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻


In the jungle, it is difficult to walk, and the sun is getting higher, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and the two are physically strong and can not help but feel tired.

Yessin stopped Alan, who insisted on opening the road ahead, and gave him a heavy kettle, and then he closed his eyes and meditated.

Allen looked down at the kettle in which the color was not very bright and the shape was very ordinary. The heart was sweet and sweet, like eating honey, and laughing silly.

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