Arc 4: Counterattack Of The Youth In The Compus (5)

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Half a year passed by, the first day of the first semester of the first year of high school, Yesian replaced a uniform school uniform, riding a cool bicycle from the rapid flow of people.

Without Song Shu’s domestic violence and frequent hunger punishment, plenty of delicious and nutritious food and persistent exercise, and when this age is long, the body is almost one day at a height, and it is fast in a short time. Pulling up, stepping into the ranks of one meter eight.

I am very satisfied with my current body. Ye Sinian licked her lips and her eyes inadvertently swept across the road and stared at her eyes with a big surprise.

There was a repressed scream in the ear, and Ye Sinian squinted her lips slightly, licking the girl who was excitedly holding her face in the same place, and quickly removed her sight.

For half a year, he not only made this body healthy, but also won the title of a cold-faced male **** in the school. It was also a perfect explanation for the second and second phases of the year.

The smile on the lips flashed away, and the slender figure of Ye Si-nian riding a bicycle quickly disappeared into the crowd.

The inadvertently turned back but did not expect to see the famous male **** in the school, excited to the girl who could not be added to the place where no one had been stunned for a long time, this only slightly calmed the heart of the excitement, holding some baby fat face Ye Si Nian left in the direction.

Like many girls in the school, she is full of worship for this male **** who is so perfect that she can't be a boyfriend.

His character is cold and hard, but he will smile gently at the girls who accidentally disturbed him to sleep. He clearly sleeps in class, but every time he comes out, he can't give birth to a glimpse. He can only look up. Good, the height of the legs and the long face value burst, it is handsome to no friends...

How can there be such a cool and perfect person in the world?

Your own idol is such a perfect male god, this can make others live! The girls are half-sentimented and proudly sighed.


Of course, Ye Sinian did not know the thoughts of others. He took long legs and strode to the upstairs classroom step by step.

At that time, Shen Jinbin did not know what medicine was wrong, and actually began to pursue himself after being teased.

Thinking of the various pursuits of Shen Jinbin in those days, Ye Si Nian turned his eyes, and now he has to shudder.

He has never been as profoundly aware as he was at the time, that his life, except for the lover who still does not know where he is, I am afraid that he will never accept others.

But unfortunately, his lover has not appeared this time.

The coveted and concealed thoughts in the eyes because of the thought of the lover, Ye Sinian licked his lips, diverted his attention and generally transferred his thoughts to Shen Jinbin who had to change his name after learning the truth.

When he pursued his own time, he was too high-profile, and some people either intentionally or unintentionally pushed the waves. The incident was so loud that it was not only well known in the school, but even out of school because of the special status of the students. It caused a series of chain reactions and was finally learned by Shen.

Shen Jia is not in charge of Shen Jinbin's private life in normal times. In most people's eyes, it is a big deal for the rich family to play with young and frivolous people.

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