Arc 4: Counterattack Of The Youth In The Compus (4)

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"Stupid, goods." Yesi years lazily glanced at him, the shape of the red lips slowly open, spit out two mean words.

Since the birth, Shen Jinbin has never been said in person, and the anger in his heart is about to be sprayed out. His extended hand slowly retracts and grips, with a tone of restraint and patience: "What do you mean?!"

"I don't understand?" The contempt in Ye Si-nian's eyes is even more serious. It is a face that is expressionless, but others clearly read out the contempt of how IQ can communicate.

Suddenly, my heart flashed a little, and Shen Jinbin frowned. But I thought that this person must be acting in a pretentious manner. In fact, when I face myself, my heart must be extremely fearful. This suppresses the anger that I want to break out in my heart. :"You do not know who I am?!"

Ye Si Nian had a sneer in his eyes, as if he was so embarrassed that his three sentences could not be separated from his own identity. Some arrogantly lifted his chin and said coldly: "I should know you?" ”

"You really don't know me?!" Shen Jinbin is out of anger. He is a grandfather of Shen Jiada. This person is not only ridiculed, but also does not know himself! It is simply an insult!

Ye Si Nian’s eyebrows were very timid, and he looked at him angrily, as if he was very annoyed with his endless entanglement, but suddenly, he looked like something, his eyebrows slammed high and his voice was uncontrollable. Something is high: "Do you have more brains and idols?! How? Want to draw my attention through this method?!"

Some of his sharp chins were lifted higher, and he remained in a sitting position, but he looked full of condescending feelings. Feng Xiaoyin Shen Jinbin showed a trace of astonished face. Ye Sinian licked his lips with a sinister taste. Cool and authentic: "But sorry, but this means is useless to me, I am still not interested in you."

His voice just fell, and there was a violent sigh of noise in the classroom. He was always watching that their people were finally forgotten by the bomb-like news. They were so surprised that they couldn’t believe that all kinds of eyes that were suddenly realized were thrown in. The stunned Shen Jinbin is simply messed up in the wind.

No wonder! They also said that Bin Shao had just been in a courteous manner but was alienated when he faced them. How to take the initiative and ran to greet Song Zichu! That's it!

Shen Jinbin finally noticed something wrong from the reaction of the people. He suddenly widened his eyes, his face was filled with anger and anger, and he raised his voice angrily: "What are you talking about?!"

The ear sharply captures the whispers of two girls who are not far away, and hears words such as "fearful anger", "shy" and so on. Ye Sisian’s eyes are more intense, and his eyes are clear. Liu Hai’s eyes were reddened by Shen Jinbin, and he silently ordered a row of wax for this person.

When you are angry, you are angry, what kind of ghosts are blushing, look, misunderstood?

In the heart, two drops of crocodile tears were squeezed out, and Ye Si’s face was not obvious. In the face of Shen Jinbin’s angry question, he chose to raise his eyebrows. The knuckles were knocked on the table, and the domineering and the second issued a declaration: "I don't need anyone to stay with me, you can leave."

Shen Jinbin almost has to be blown up! He is not embarrassed, naturally can hear those people who think they are very quiet, the hands of the fists are violent, and he hates to look around for a week, the subtle eyes that are meaningful or disdainful or understanding.

Deeply took a breath, Shen Jinbin forced to endure the anger of the heart.

What he does now is wrong! If you don't refute it, you want to pursue him by default. If you refute it, it is more like pleading not to be angry!

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