Arc 6: Counterattack through the species (12)

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Zhao Zexi just entered the film school this year. He was a little luckyr than other students. He just entered the entertainment circle and entered the crew of the famous Jessica director. Although it was just a soy sauce, it was good. It is a good start.

Unlike other students who want to come out of the world, Zhao Zexi has no ambitions. He has always been a good character, so even in this group of celebrity big-name groups, he has no plans to set up a relationship. .

For him, acting is just a hobby. It’s okay to study how to hold a thigh and not as good as online at home!

Yes, he is essentially a otaku with a property of a dead house. Apart from such a little-known hobby, it is a handsome otaku.

In the hotel room, Zhao Zexi stared at the computer screen with a burning gaze, and slammed his hands on the keyboard for a while.

"I am awakened by myself every day: Seltis my god!!!! Lying down casually ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

The social networking website page forwarded and commented on the latest makeup photos issued by the official account of the movie. Zhao Zexi still couldn't hide his excitement, and he only calmed down after a large cup of cold water.

This is his trumpet, the registered account information is female, he is dedicated to all kinds of handsome guys, the registration time is not short, because he often sends some handsome photos, so the like-minded fans There are still quite a few.

So he forwarded this time, and the comments below slammed the screen.

"I am! The screen is dirty, ah!!!!"

"My mom asked me why I was squatting on the screen! Ask how to get back online and wait!"

"Seltis married me, ah ah!!!!"

"Don't grab my husband upstairs!!!"


Zhao Zexi bit his face and looked at the comment and smiled with his eyes bent. He thought that the whole person on the set was shocked to suffocate. His eyes were a little bright, the mouse moved, and a moment appeared on the screen. A magnified fixed makeup photo.

The man slightly lifted his chin, and the peaks between the eyebrows seemed to be stagnation of frost that could not be opened. His eyes seemed to be cold and waveless, and he seemed to be arrogant with high above.

He clearly didn't have any expressions, just looking at the camera straight, but the heart seemed to be firmly grasped by the deepest eyes.

The white robe embroidered with the mysterious rune covered his slender body, and the platinum-gold hair that naturally fell on the side of the face, the whole person looked very ethereal and transparent, as if it was really the one that was not stained with smoke. Elf priest.

Clicking the mouse to make the photo bigger and bigger, when the eyes occupied the entire screen, Zhao Zexi excitedly jumped out of the chest.

The man's facial features are so refined that even if you zoom in, you can't find a trace.

Zhao Zexi excitedly pinched his fist and his face was about to burn.

Ah, ah, I finally found the direction of my efforts! ! ! ! God, you wait for me to marry you! ! !


At the entrance of the hotel, Jessica, who had just returned from the hotel, remembered what it was like. He suddenly stopped his footsteps and said to the assistant behind him: "Is the stills gone?"

The young assistant stunned and said: "I sent it."

"What do netizens say?" Jessica was very interested in scratching his beard, this wave of stills he basically focused on the photos of Seltis, each of which he carefully selected I must have a good response!

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