Arc 2: Counterattack Of The Adopted Young Master(8)

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Ye Si Nian looked at the huge propaganda banner not far away, and suddenly he was shocked.

The slight gaze converges to the coldness of the eyes, and Ye Sinian grips the lover's hand tightly around her body, and her body trembles slightly.

He was keenly aware of his fault, and Xiu Xiuyuan took the man tighter. He frowned and swept the banner propagating the charity auction. He did not see any problems, but at this time it was obviously not the time to pursue this, and Xiu Xiuyuan quietly wrote down the banner. On the content, holding Ye Si Nian squeezed out the crowd.

"What's wrong?" Stay away from the crowd, and Xiu Xiuyuan stopped. The eyes were full of worry and looked at Ye Si Nian, who was leaning on his arms. He worried about his forehead, fearing that he was uncomfortable.

"Go home, take me home!" Ye Sinian tightened the clothes of Xiu Yuanyuan, and the voice of the crying room was full of horror, as if he had seen something terrible.

Yan Xiuyuan couldn’t ask again if he was distressed. He took him to the direction of the hotel.

Yess was in the quilt and almost became a ball. There was no gap left.

Seeing his insecure performance, Yan Xiuyuan’s heart seemed to have been stabbed a few times, and it hurt almost to suffocate. He was lying distressed to him, his long arm stretched into the arms, and he calmly patted him. His back.

In the darkness, where is the expression of Ye Si Nian at this time afraid of fear? He quietly turned over the childhood memories of the original Lord enclosed in the deepest, full of cold suffocation.

Love House Orphanage...

According to the original fate trajectory, the original reason why the original owner wants to return to the country, a large part of the reason is because of this little orphanage.

However, he did not pay for it. Strictly speaking, the orphanage was not a benefactor.

Don't give food, don't drink water, keep it in the cage, and violently beat the abuse. The original memory of the original master is completely dark. When it was not accidentally sneaked out and being picked up by the current parents, he would not live. To this day.

The original owner knew that there was an amazing secret in the orphanage. After he returned to China, he always wanted to collect evidence in this regard, but he worked hard for a long time, but he had no clue. As the original investigation became more and more in-depth, his life began to encounter some unimaginable troubles, and even the final car accident was not a pure accident.

Later, with the death of the original Lord, the secret of the orphanage was even more unknown, and was completely buried in the darkness.

Ye Sisian hides himself in the darkness with no expression. He feels that his own qigong is still not cultivated at home, otherwise there will be no impulse to rush to the orphanage to kill all the participants.

But he can't, those people should be subject to legal sanctions and everyone's spit, those dirty secrets should be made public, so it is too cheap to kill them!

Deeply took a breath, barely concentrating on the killing in the eyes, Ye Si Nian moved his body and slowly released the corner of his hand.

Yan Xiuyuan carefully opened the quilt, and when he was on the pair of red eyes, he was acupunctured in the heart, and he was very distressed.

Gently kissed him in front of his forehead, and Xiu Xiuyuan hugged him tightly, saying nothing, only silently giving care.

Ye Si Nian sighed and reached over his neck, his voice still hoarse: "Brother, let's go to the charity auction!"

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