Arc 3: Counterattack Of The Fiancee Through The Field (12 End)

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Du Xiaohou's grandfather was riding a horse and taking a sedan to the Prince's House. The people he saw were naturally very surprised.

They have been waiting for their relatives since they returned to the DPRK, but they are both Houfu and the National Government. They are naturally prepared to have a good time, so the relative preparation time is naturally long. very long.

And just in the capital, everyone thought that it would take a long time to see the news that the two of them had become a genus, but did not expect that Du Qinghuan had put on a good dress.

Those who have good deeds are deeply aware that there will be secret stories, and they will follow them to the Prince's House in a bright or sneaky way.

Their line looks so strange, the news of the Prince's housekeeper naturally can not help but react, and that Du Qinghuan is the loyal country lady who is nailed to the board, where can he dare to neglect?

Far from seeing a wide variety of personnel, the team came to the Prince's House in a mighty manner. The butler was busy rushing to the house. At this time, he did not care about the manner. He only asked for General Chu to come out.

In the study room, Chu Yue looked at the arguments of the Prince and the curtains, and his heart was full of irritability and boredom.

Speaking of it, he has been dragged by the Prince in this Prince's house for several days. When he was fighting, he really liked to use some unexpected tricks. But now it is a matter of deliberation on this fundamental discussion and there is no such thing. patient.

In his heart, there is actually some faint disappointment with the eager prince. This person and his childhood are in harmony. He was still full of ideals and eager to be a little prince of the Ming Dynasty. He is not like the present, he is entangled in the palace. His father was indifferent, and his pursuit of the throne was almost a pathological obsession.

Of course, he knows what would be a miserable ending if the Prince failed, knowing that all the actions of the Prince are justified, knowing that his heart may be full of desolate helplessness.

He can understand, but still a little disappointed.

After all, his friends are so few.

Just as their controversy became more and more fierce, the butler knocked open the door, and looked at the expressionless Chu Yuedao: "Chu General! Du, Du Xiaohouye brought people here!"

"What?" Chu Yue suddenly stood up, doubts and surprises, but these are not rivaled by the heart to see the joy of the lover, forcibly resisted the excitement of the heart, Chu Yue nodded to the prince, said: "His Royal Highness I will come when I go."

The Prince was just a little tired, and he was really curious about that Du Qinghuan. He nodded happily. "Exactly! I haven't seen this younger sister yet! Just take this opportunity to send a meeting!"

The people who had been negotiating things in the study room had a lot of fun, and followed the stride of Chu Yue to the gate of Prince Edward House.

Listening to the next person who just ran over, said Du Xiaohou, waiting outside the house!

Behind him was a group of people who planned to watch the fun. When the figure of Chu was higher, the noisy people outside the Prince's house suddenly calmed down. For a time, the needles could be heard.

The lover stood quietly in front of the door, wearing a big red wedding dress, wide sleeves and long squats, and the red-hot clothes slammed into the ground, and the beauty was fascinating.

Chu Yue's heart slid for a moment, suddenly and violently, and his eyes were full of stunning and obsessive. He approached his lover and decided to look at his lover. He blinked at him and looked very happy. The voice looked at him lowly: "What is that?"

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