Arc 1: Counterattack In The End Of The World (14)

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Since the end of the world, Jingcheng has never been so lively. It has not been bright in the early morning. There are several long queues in the center square of the base that can't see the tail. There are countless thin-skinned yellow clothes with some dilapidated people waiting to see. .

In the end of the world, zombies broke out. In such a world where life cannot be guaranteed, the equality of all people is almost empty talk. All the laws of the world are no longer sustainable in the collapsed world.

The same is true for people. The life of ordinary people is even more difficult than that of the abilities. In this cruel end of the world, there is no love and care for no reason. It is more chilling than zombies. It is precisely the heart of the people.

These are ordinary people. They may have a decent job before the end of the world and are not a good but not bad life, but the arrival of the last days has subverted everything.

The eruption of the last days has been more than two years. At the beginning, they may still hold the hope that the disaster will soon pass, but as time goes by, they are used to the indifference and cruelty of the last days, and the hope in the heart is also like the fine in the hourglass. Sand, slowly lost, disappeared.

There are countless dead people in the last days, who died in the hands of zombies, who died in the hands of the enemy, and died in the hands of their companions. There are countless, but the most chilling, but those who committed suicide in the desperate world, they do not care for themselves. But it is too much love, and I cannot tolerate myself continuing to suffer in this invisible world.

But now, everything is different.

The handsome young man smiled softly in the video. He said that he would provide the base residents with free services to stimulate their abilities. He said that everyone has the opportunity to become a power. He said that they will overcome all obstacles. Said that this world will return to peace.

Yes, if everyone becomes a power, can they defeat the zombies and recover their homes? In this world, can you re-enjoy the joys and laughter and music?

How long have they not recalled the good memories of peacetime in the past?

It’s like a long time.


Ye Si Nian stood quietly by the window, looking through the glass at the square not far away, for a long time.

Qin Shiyue gently put a quiet lover into his arms from behind, and his voice was low: "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Knowing a comfortable position in the broad arms of the man, Ye Si young nodded and said: "I know that the machine is perfect."

"What are you worried about?" Qin Shiyue kissed his ear tip through a broken kiss.

The magnetic sound is so loud in the ear, and Yesian hides and hides, feeling that his hair is going to stand up.

"I just have some emotions." Yesnian sighed and turned to hug Qin Shiyue's waist, his face buried in his arms and said: "This world is not easy."

Yes, it is not easy.

Even the powerful abilities of ordinary people are not all right. Compared with ordinary people, zombies obviously love the abilities of the nucleus with sufficient energy in the body. It is easy to encounter zombies in the wild. The siege, if the strength is not strong, it will easily become the food in the zombie mouth.

The base of a versatile person is so attractive to zombies that it is conceivable.

Qin Shiyue gently put his chin on his head and said: "These things are clearly stated in the video. Since these people have come over, they are definitely prepared for the psychological, and we have already done a good job. The preparation of the zombies, why is the year of stagnation?"

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