Arc 2: Counterattack Of The Adopted Young Master(4)

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Early the next morning, the sun was warm and breezy, and it was still a sunny and good weather.

Ye Si Nian was wearing a pajamas with a furry fat rabbit shape, squatting on the table with a sleepy eye and a straight fight on the upper and lower eyelids.

It’s rare to see such a confused look of my own little son. Guo Lin, who came over with the porridge, was smothered by her heart. She sneaked a bunch of photos on her chest and turned around to show off her friends.

The scented fish fillet was placed on the opposite side. Ye Si Nian was smothered by the scent of the scent, effortlessly opened his eyelids, and raised his hand in a confused way to reach the can.

One side of the room, who was originally elegantly wiping his mouth, was shocked and slammed the hand to the side.

Ye Si-nian, who had not yet woken up, was extremely wrong, holding the red-handed back and looking at him pitifully.

"Cough..." Yan Xiuyuan made a fist and coughed softly on his lips. He tried to hold down the desire of the white-skinned slender hand. He looked at the pink lips from the pajamas youth unconsciously picked up. Tear it off, the tone of the tone is very light, like the fear of scaring the timid fat rabbit opposite: "The jar is very hot, you should be careful, don't touch it by hand."

"Xiaoning is careful not to be hot!" Guo Lin, who is satisfied with the countless envy of the old sisters, turned around and heard this passage. He was busy pretending that nothing happened to put the phone in his pocket and went to the kitchen. Walking and yelling at them: "A Yuan helps his younger brother to porridge!"

Yan Xiuyuan looked at the opposite side with a cautious look of his youth. The clear eyes were shy and close, and with full trust and dependence on their loved ones, there was no doubt that he imagined to explore and see neuropathy. It’s like disgusting, it’s like not finding anything wrong at all.

Prepared for one night's explanation, so I didn't have the opportunity to say anything. My biggest secret didn't seem to be discovered. I couldn't tell if it was easier or more disappointing. I felt a lot of trouble in my hand. The action didn't stop at all, carefully holding a bowl of savory fish porridge for the fat rabbit that was very close to the eye.


"So you just quit your job?" I asked, biting the buns.

"Well..." Yessin nodded and looked down at him, as if he was afraid of being scolded.

After listening to the experience of the younger son in the country for so many years, Guo Lin, who felt that he had suffered a lot, was distressed. The mother-in-law loved it and vented it, and he just hit the gun.

“It’s time to resign!” Guo Lin glanced at her husband and gently patted the little son’s shoulder. The tone was quite similar to the enemy’s taste: “Your boss is really deceiving too much!”

"Li boss is very good to me." Yesi retorted youngly. "When I first arrived in China, people in the company also took care of me..."

"Stupid boy!" Guo Lin hated the iron and found his forehead in the steel. He said helplessly: "He is the son-in-law who has long regarded you as a non-passing girl! Otherwise why always put you and his stupid daughter together. ?"

"..." Yeshian looked up at her wet eyes and looked at her. The phoenix was rounded up because of her master's surprise, as if she was scared.

"Not afraid of not being afraid!" Guo Lin was stunned by his eyes. "Resigned just right! Our company is big, how do you want to toss!"

I used to get a porridge with a different treatment. I nodded in a word: "This is a good idea."

He knows his own younger son, and he has no ability to say that he would not have sent him into the company’s experience after graduation. Who knows that he has to return to China to develop and know his stubborn character. There is no objection. It’s better now, Xiao Ning’s work experience in these years is here, it’s very good, and now the personality is also a lot more cheerful, just to give A Yuan a helping hand, he always turns himself around the corner. Regain the company.

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