Arc 1: Counterattack In The End Of The World (2)

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In the middle of his arms, Ye Liu looked at Li Feiyan with a stunned look and wondered what he was thinking.

Li Feiyan bowed his head and ate breakfast, and Xu tasted it delicious. He suddenly had a bright eyes and smiled and held a spoon and reached the mouth of Ye Liu, so that he could taste it.

The eyes of the serious and clean leaves of Liu Liu suddenly filled with gentle smiles, and the action naturally bowed and bite Li Feiyan's spoon.

Li Feiyan’s face was red and he glared at him with anger, and Ye Liu smiled even more happily, and couldn’t help but hold his hand.

It’s okay to show love and love!

Sitting opposite the Yersian turned a big white eye in the bottom of her heart.

Such an obvious embarrassing relationship, the original Lord did not even notice, but also believed that Li Feiyan is competing with himself, it is also enough.

However, the original owner seems to be straight and straight, until the end of the wandering outside the base to listen to people gossip to know the true relationship between the two protagonists...

Dot wax!

Ye Si Nian was biting the bread without squinting, and he thought about it.

According to the original development track of the world, the original masters encountered four levels of zombies in Qinglan County, and the wolverines left their teammates to flee back to Jingcheng. The task completely failed, and Ye Liu became a laughing stock at the base of the base.

The protagonist Li Feiyan successfully developed a primary vaccine in just a few months. Although the cure rate was only 10%, the reputation of Ye Liu was suddenly raised to an unattainable height.

The contrast between the two is simply different.

How to counterattack?

Ye Si Nian ate the last bite of bread in his hand and coveted the coffee in the cup a little bit.

Li Feiyan glanced at him strangely, and he felt a little strange about his unusual silence. He said: "Sin, you are leaving tomorrow, are you ready?"

What does it have to do with you! Ye Si's face lifted his face with a blank expression and glanced at him.

"What is your attitude!" Ye Liu's face sank, "Flying words ask you!"

"What attitude should I be?" Yessyan frowned anxiously and put down the cup. "You want him to be my stepmother. This is your business. Do I have to tie him up!"

After all, Ye Si Nian stood up and left with a cold face, and did not look at the complex face of the two on the table.

Nothing to play with, sly.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Ye Sinian suddenly paused and squinted over the empty stairway.

Twilight flashed, as if something interesting was discovered, Yester laughed young and walked out with his hands.

How can the story develop in advance when the window paper between the protagonists is opened?

And knowing the relationship between Li Feiyan and Ye Liu in advance, the deep affectionate man who is dissatisfied with Ye Liuxin will also deeply root the protagonist's love roots?

He is looking forward to it~

Following the memory of the original master, he came to the base training ground. Ye Sinian watched the scenes of the various abilities who practiced the abilities, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

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