Arc 3: Counterattack Of The Fiancee Through The Field (7)

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In the early morning, Chu Yue threw the trifle to the jumping foot early, and Cheng Jiyu got into the carriage of Ye Sinian and started the shopkeeper.

I just got up and used breakfast and went into the rickety carriage. Ye Sinian’s sleepy insects were hooked up and squatted in the carriage.

Chu Yue only felt more and more loved by this little lover who was infatuated with him. At this time, he saw his red lips and squatting, and he felt a little sigh in his heart. He couldn’t help but deceive him and kissed him. The pink lips of the hooks.

His sleepiness was interrupted, and Ye Si Nian turned his eyes in the sky, uncomfortably pulling his black hair down and muttering in his mouth: "It’s lazy!"

"The beauty is on the side, how can the general be able to endure?" Chu Yueyi righteously grasped the hand of the little lover, and pulled it to the front and took a bite.

Ye Sinian glanced at him: "Fortunately, there is no war now, otherwise I will not be the disaster of the charm generals?"

Chu Yue heard a dumb smile and said: "What about the disaster, no matter what you are, this general likes it!"

"Really?" Yesny raised an eyebrow.

He loved his ghostly spirit and charm, and Chu smiled and dragged him into his arms and said: "That is nature!"

"If...if I can't have a baby?" Yesan licked her lips and stared at Chu Yue's eyes.

Chu Yue was obviously stunned. He had a little uneasy eyes in the calmness of the little lover in his arms. He suddenly smiled and slammed him and said: "That would take a lifetime!"

"You won't dislike me?" Yesny frowned. According to the concept of the world, the brother who can't have children has no value at all, although he is sure that he is his own lover, but...

"You little head, what are you thinking all day?" Chu Yue reluctantly smiled and bit his mouth, turned and lay down and pulled the person into his arms, patted his head and sighed: "Don't worry, no children."

"How do you say it?" Yessin was puzzled in the elastic muscles of her lover.

"The glory and decline, the loyalty government has long since reached the top, although I have a good relationship with the prince, but this is limited to him not yet on the high post, until the day he is in the world, the military power in my hands is his eyes!" Chu Yue looked at his expression very gentle, and the words he said were cold and incomparable: "I often say that the companion is like a tiger, and the side of the couch is letting others sleep. So, we have no children is also a good thing, at least when we can leave the capital Freedom, without leaving your child in the capital for protons."

Ye Si Nian’s eyes flashed a glimpse. In his memory, the original Chu Yue also handed over the military power shortly after the Prince’s ascension. Later, he stayed in Beijing until he died. It must have been because of the land It is mostly because the heart of the emperor is unpredictable.

When I think of this, Ye Si Nian suddenly feels a little distressed. From a small friend who has turned a good friend, he has become an enemy against him. Even if he is a hard-hearted person, he will not feel good.

He sighed and gently covered the lover's solid body and kissed him with some fascinating eyes.

Chu Yue returned to God, chuckled and took care of the lover's thin waist, and the two exchanged a kiss without a trace of *.

That's it, it's not bad for two people to live together for a lifetime.


The army went all the way to the capital, but after five or six days of glory, Ye Sinian opened the carriage curtain and could see the walls of the capital.

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