Arc 6: Counterattack through the species (7-8)

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Yesi had a cup of tea without a bite, and Jessica was eating a banquet feast with a sigh of relief, while dancing and talking about Gu’s anecdote on the set.

He was naturally born with great character, and at this time he has been identified as a good friend with Mu Feng, so there is nothing to talk about, and when he is happy, he still laughs at the table.

Gu Yu has always been a quiet and low-key person. When he took the first drama, he was obviously a newcomer that everyone did not know, but it was a major supporting role in the drama. It’s awesome, although everyone doesn’t say it on the bright side, but privately, there are some unspoken rules of unspoken rules.

Jessica was not a big director at the time. Although he also won some awards at the time, but the foundation was not stable, the deterrent power in those actors was not enough, so the rumors were passed down. It is getting worse.

The crew in the crew are sure to climb the bed of the investor, and this has gotten such a good role, but Gu Yu has never explained it, so everyone is even more convinced that there is a reason for the wind.

It’s also a coincidence that at the time, the crew next door had an investor to visit the class. When they accidentally saw Gu Yan, who was acting, the female boss of the middle-aged husband was shocked to him, and he caught with the cat. Like, after going back, I will ask for it, and then I will release my words to support him...

"After that?" Ye Si Nian's smile on his lips slightly converged, and the phoenix that was upturned at the end of his eyes slanted and glanced at Gu Yu.

This man really grows very well, the facial features are chilly, and a pair of black and black scorpions can almost be stunned. The temperament of the whole body is indifferent and strong, and the expressionless look seems to have such a ban. At first glance, I was firmly grasped by the heart, and my eyes seemed to be difficult to move away.

But I understand clearly that people who think of such a person will be jealous of others, and his heart is still rising with an unspeakable anger.

It’s like, I’ve been collecting it for a long time, and I’ve only been able to take it out when I’m no one’s own. I’m so eager to sneak in my hand’s treasure for a lifetime.

The hand holding the cup was tight, and Ye Si Nian smiled and smiled, his eyes slowly passing over his unconscious strait.

After a cold heart, Gu Yufei quickly stunned Ye Si Nian next to his eyes, facelessly facing the opposite Jessica.

Really a pig teammate!

Jessica is having a good time at this time. Where can he notice the look he has brought over? Besides, his expression has not changed! How can he see it?

Drinking a small drink with a smile, Jessica waved his hand and said: "Ha ha ha! After that, Gu directly acquired their company! Also changed the name to... Hey!"

Jessica jerked back and slammed, apparently being shocked, stunned and looking at the opposite face with no change in expression, and the rest of the words were taken back.

Calmly retracting the foot, Gu Yu seems to have nothing to happen, fluttering and squinting at the opposite side of the old friend who almost sold himself, when looking at Ye Si Nian, his face is full of gentle smile: " A Feng, when the film is about to start shooting, will you come to visit the class?"

I heard this very intimate name. Ye Si Nian’s eyebrows picked up, and Feng Xiao slanted over the past, but still did not say anything, only nodded and said: “Nature will go.”

The pair of eyes are like a phoenix eye that will catch a ghost. Gu Yu only feels a sway in his heart, can't help but slowly pull the distance, his eyes are almost condensed on his handsome face, the eyes are a little bit pan Obsessed with the meaning.

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