2. Dark

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Taehyung's POV

No shit! People really hate to see me get my beauty sleep. Now who the hell is this?


"Hello beauty ass. Can you get yourself here to our home? It's been more than 3 hours pass the time you're supposed to be here sweetheart." Yoongi Hyung mocked me.

I know for sure he is probably annoyed as hell and purposely calling me sweetheart to show how pissed he is.

"Urm sure."

I lazily threw my phone away and changed into a pair of fresh new clothes. Before stepping out, I carefully tapped a wound plaster on my forehead and applied ointment on my cheeks to cover the damage done earlier. Made sure to put on a beanie and glasses to distract the bruises from standing out.

I got hurt for nothing! Pffttt

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I got hurt for nothing! Pffttt. Stupid boy.

Keys grabbed, house locked. I headed to find my hyungs. I'm sure I'll be hearing an earful again when I reach there.

Location: 'Secret' Home - Genius Lab

I reached the door step of Genius Lab and chuckled a little at the nickname Yoongi Hyung decided to name his property

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I reached the door step of Genius Lab and chuckled a little at the nickname Yoongi Hyung decided to name his property.

For someone who wish to be hidden and do secret businesses, genius lab is definitely not the first thing will come to mind nor will it stop people from paying attention. Sometimes I don't even know what to conclude with Yoongi Hyung.

Either way, I just went ahead to key in the passcode and allowed myself in.


A ping pong sized ball was throw right at my direction hitting my chest.

"What was that for? Geez. Are you trying to kill me?" I yelled out.

"Oh stop. You're not gonna die being hit by a ping pong ball. Secondly, you survived gunshots before. You ain't gonna die so easily. Though I can easily kill you now coz I'm pissed and Namjoon is not here to cover your ass."

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