34. Set

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👆🏼the header pic. I'm dying...ok let's get back to the story shall we?

Taehyung's POV

I dashed out of the sound room not believing how chilled Suga is with the whole thing. But again, I have to admit that he is one of the coolest people I have met in my life and knows what he does even with his eyes closed.

I shrugged off the unease feel on my chest and went up to the room which PHS has instructed me to.

I have used my utmost special eyes to pick an outfit for him, not that I think he will look good in any coz his character is a piece of shit but I got to do what I got to do.

Level 25 - Private Suite

Of coz. Of coz the asshole will have all the money to book a private suite for himself.

I read the floor label as the lift opened to me standing at the floor looking for the specific room number.

Room 2503.

I walked a little further down the aisle to find the room on the right side.

I gently adjusted my suit and put on the V face as I always do when I am on a mission before ringing the doorbell.

Within seconds, the door was opened by none other than who? Yes, PHS the asshole. Dressed in a silk robe.

"Well, hello handsome. Come in."

I eyed him from head to toe before smirking. I walked in and closed the door behind my back.

"Hello Mr Park, I see you have not dressed. The event will start is about 30 mins though, we can't have it empty without your presence now shall we?"

"I was waiting for you Tae. Who will dress me if it's not my appointed stylist, don't you think?" He winked at me as he took a glass of champagne and downed it in one go.

Perfect. Drink more you asshole, so that I can knock you out easily later on.

I smiled cheekily and walked to the closet to see the suit I have ordered for him hung up neatly.

"So? What are we waiting for? Strip."

He choked on his mouthful of champagne turning his look at me. The dazzled look on his face turned into a smirk as he dropped the silk robe down on the floor.


I would say he is rather attractive if not for his half-ass behaviours but still...I think Bunny- I mean who? I mean someone who I know will look better naked than this guy.


"All ready for you babe."

I walked closer to him and trailed my fingers from his neck down to his chest, abs and waist and stopped above his V line.

"Ouch, don't you think this boxer is on our way, daddy?" I lean a little closer to his ear and whispered. As I blow softly into his ear, I noticed his body tensed a little.

"That my dear, I will keep it on until after the event. Promise."

PHS grabbed onto my fingers from his waist to his mouth and sucked my finger.

Ew, he has a finger fetish or something? But damn, he can suck.

I attached our bodies together and replaced my finger in his mouth with my lips instead.

It didn't take long for me to push my tongue inside his mouth given how desperate he wanted me.

I heard his moans melting into my mouth as I explored all corners of his wet cavern while gently squeezing his ass feeling him brushing desperately against me.

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