40. Still, Hate You

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Third Person POV
Taehyung was eye-ing the younger admiring his back view before his knees failed on him due to crouching behind the couch for a while now.


The older tumbled back a little falling on his ass. Thank the Lord that due to the loud music echoing around the house, no audible impact was heard from Tae's little stumble.

He picked himself up again and popped his head above the couch trying to stable himself on the wooden pole to his right.

The little one was finishing up his final touches as he saw Jungkook picked a marker and signed off at the corner of the canvas with a huge "JK"

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The little one was finishing up his final touches as he saw Jungkook picked a marker and signed off at the corner of the canvas with a huge "JK".

Taehyung smirked and he knows this is the right time to sneak up on the younger.

So, he did as planned.

He tiptoed passing the living room and stood straight at the glass door with the younger standing a few meters in front of him. Still being very oblivious of the presence behind him.

As the music was dying down and what seemed like reaching the end of the playlist, the house grows silent with nothing but the ending hummed by Jungkook who was staring into the lake in front of him.

"I got to say you do have a very angelic voice bunny boy."

"Oh fck!!!"

Jungkook turned around so fast in his feet that he stumbled back on his canvas board resulting in his painting falling right into the lake in front of him taking in together a few of his expensive brushes.

"Ops, sorry."

Taehyung leaned by the glass door, arms crossed over his chest as he mockingly apologized.

"Fcking asshole. What are you doing here?"

Jungkook was holding onto his chest, trying to calm down the sudden shock he received seconds ago. The younger was completely oblivious that his freshly painted artwork and beloved brushes are now drowning into the lake.

"Stop asking me a lot of question, don't you wanna save your artwork? Look! It's drowning, help it. Quick. Move your bum."

Tae swung his right hand forward in the air.

Jungkook was scrunching his brows together when he realized he accidentally stumbled on his canvas frame.

Jungkook was scrunching his brows together when he realized he accidentally stumbled on his canvas frame

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