16. Confused

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Taehyung's POV

Aish. I got into my car after storming out of Suga hyung's Lab in embarrassment. I seriously can't believe I let my guard down with bunny boy and got caught by Suga Hyung.

How did I not realise I was wearing the camera lense in my eye!!

Damn it Taehyung.

It took me a while to start my car engine and drive off to my home. Once I reached, I harshly opened the door and throw my stuffs on my couch before headed to the bathroom for a long hot bath.

I really need to get my head straight now, I can't be embarking on a deathly journey and get distracted by Jungkook. Hell. I didn't even know I was into guys.

I undressed myself and got into the bath as soon as it was filled with warm water and bubbles. Time to get my head back to the game and put the V game face on.
Jungkook POV

"Im home."

I opened the front door and said a greeting hoping my hyungs are back home.

I was still very much distracted with what happened between Tae Hyung and myself. I hope it won't happen again (really Jungkook? 🌚). I realized my sexuality not too long ago hence I have never been in a relationship with any guys before. This whole thing is just freaking me out slightly.

I was having lots of thought in my mind that I didn't notice a big hug engulfing me into the warmest embrace.

"Aigooo my Kookie is back!"

It didn't take me long to notice it's actually Jimin Hyung who was giving me a bone crushing hug. Somehow, Jimin Hyung knows when to cheer me up. He is literally the angel in my life.

"Hey Hyung." I hugged him back.

"You alright Kookie? You look disturbed."

"I'm fine Hyung. I just took the long route from gym, that's why I'm a little tired." I brought a smile to my face hoping Hyung will stop asking me questions.

"Ok. Go take a nice shower. Jin Hyung is cooking up. We can have dinner together once Hosoek Hyung is back from the cafe."

I nodded and quickly ran upstairs to my room and finished off my shower, threw on my pajamas and headed down to find my hyungs.

"Ah! Just about time. Come on Jungkook, Hosoek is here. Let's eat."

I saw Jin Hyung placing a huge pot of hot soup in the centre of the table while Hosoekie Hyung and Jimin Hyung already started to dig into the dishes.

I looked around the table and felt a warm sense of love swelling into my heart. I've chosen to be with them and I have never regretted any bits of it. I should stop worrying about tiny problems in my life and rather focus on what's in front of me. My hyungs, my family and my work.
Third Person POV

"So how's the closing at the cafe today Hosoek ah?" Jin asked as they all started to dig into their dinner.

"Pretty good Hyung. Despite we resorted to closing our cafe earlier these days, I notice the profit remains the same and somehow is getting even better." Hosoek replies.

"True. I think we should just stick with this cafe hours instead of working till late night." Jimin agreed.

"Yea. It's safe to say things are working better now. And with Hosoek back in town with us, we have all the help we need. You just work so well with customer Hobi. They love you!" Jin praised Hosoek for his good effort.

Hosoek denied the compliment but still felt very satisfied with the praises coming from his brother.

"Urm Jungkook, are you ok?" Jin asked noticing the youngest of them all have been awfully quiet today.

"Yea. I'm fine Hyung. Just tired and busy." Jungkook again plastered his usual smile on his face trying to con his brothers.

"Liar. You've been zoned out since you're back. Is everything really ok? Too much work or something else? Hyungs are here for you k." Jimin took Jungkook's hand in his and rubbed little circles with his thumb to assure the younger.

"Is it the stress with your art work Jungkook? For the..who was it? I forgot the upcoming event you're being chosen for. Park? Park Ho Seok right?" Jin asked unsure of the details.

"Yes. Park Ho Seok Hyung." Jungkook confirmed.

"Mmm. I know you need to work overnight to complete the artwork he wanted for the auction. But Kookie, you shouldn't overwork yourself." Hosoek was clearly worried for his little brother too.

"Oh not at all hyungs. I'm fine. All the art works are done actually. I'm at the final stage of finishing the touches. It won't take me more than 2 days for the 15 pieces I'm putting up." Jungkook informed his hyungs that he is almost done with his work.

"Then? You seemed very occupied in thoughts though. Are you worried for the day of the event?" Jimin asked.

"No." Jungkook answered simply.

"No? Then what it is?" Jin asked again.

"Look Kookie. It's fine alright if you don't wanna share with us now. Just know that we are always here for you." Hosoek hugged Jungkook sideways as he was seated at the right side of the younger.

"Thanks hyungs. I'm really fine. I just need some sleep and rest. I've worked overnights for the art works." Jungkook managed to convince his hyungs.

"Yea. Then you need to sleep early today. No gaming for you. We all will play on your behalf." Jin playfully instructed.

"Ahhh hyunnggggg nooooo!" Jungkook started whining like a kid making all his hyungs laugh at him admiring their little brother.
As promised, Jungkook retrieved to his room earlier after successfully manipulating Jin to allow him to play a few rounds of game with the others.

After hugging his hyungs goodnight and behind the closed doors, Jungkook fell on his bed taking in all the incidents that happened on that day.

He soon realized that he need to keep Taehyung aside for now and focus on what's in front of him. Jungkook was pretty sure that Tae is not someone who would have any sort of interest in him given how he looks.

He brushed off the thoughts about Tae and convinced himself that the incident at the Royal Palace was just an accident and it meant nothing.

After a few rounds of tossing and turning around, Jungkook finally manage to talk himself to sleep.

The younger drifted into his dreamland leaving all his worries aside not knowing that Taehyung on the other hand too is fighting to identify the tingling feeling in his heart before calming himself to sleep.



Author's Note

This is a filler chapter. Yep. I wrote this right after the previous chapter. Somehow I can't seem to let go of writing atm.
That's all I wanna say. Haha

Bye lovelies. 💜

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