26. "Hate You"

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Jungkook's POV

I slowly dragged my feet into the hospital, bowing at the nurses and doctors passing by.

I still can't believe Hobi Hyung has to suffer this much. I dreaded the hospital and I hate the people who caused this.

I finally managed to reach the floor where Hobi Hyung is being warded and placed the vase of flower I bought along the way. Hobi Hyung likes sunflowers, so I bought him a bunch of them and placed them beside his window.

 Hobi Hyung likes sunflowers, so I bought him a bunch of them and placed them beside his window

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I know he is in a coma but the Doctor said we can still talk to him and in that way, he might listen to us and come back to consciousness as soon as possible.

I don't know if the doctor is lying to me or saying that to make us feel better, but I am not letting any chances go with the hope my Hobi Hyung will be back soon.

"I miss you so much Hobi hyung. No one jumps on my bed to wake me up anymore in the morning. I miss your contagious laugh and warm hugs. Can you please wake up soon for me? For Kookie?"

I closed his hands in my mind and kissed the palm of his hand while resting it against my forehead. Streams of tears started to stain my cheeks while I sat there sobbing.

 Streams of tears started to stain my cheeks while I sat there sobbing

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"I'm sorry hyung. I'm sorry I couldn't stop you from being taken. I swear if I saw that V again, I will kick him to death."

Just then, I sensed Hobi Hyung's fingers flinched a little. I looked over at the monitor and saw his heartbeats increasing too.

"Hyung? You listening to me? Omg, hyung?" I started to get a little anxious while I stood up and scooted closer to Hyung's ear.

"Hyung, I hope you know that I will keep my promise, I will not let this V go. I will find out who he is."

Again, Hobi Hyung reflected a little and just on cue, the Doctor walked in.

"Hello, Jungkook. Visiting your brother again I see?" He offered me a very kind smile which I returned while wiping the tears off my face.

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