39. Unexpected

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Third Person POV
"Bunny. Bunny took me."

The older two were startled as they tried to focus on what Taehyung was saying.

"You said bunny? As in your bunny?" Namjoon choked a bit and clarified again.

Taehyung nodded.

"No Shit! Jungkook did this? The Bunny boy?" Yoongi was stunned but never the less he was still very impressed coz it didn't cross his genius mind at all.

"Yea, that bunny. Jeon fcking Jungkook did it." Tae clenched the phone in his hand feeling the anger rising. He can't believe the ugly fate he has with Jungkook since the day he met the boy outside the noddle shop months ago.

"I swear, its like fate is playing the destiny strings between you both. It's like he is always around you since you bumped into him."

Tae turned his attention to Yoongi who continued his comments on the situation.

"But, if Jungkook knows who you then does that means the other two knows as well? This involves Hobi too right?"

Namjoon was already shitting his pants imagining the possibility of Jin finding things out. He can't afford to lose his love. Not now.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me anything. I saw him at a corner and before I know, he left the scene and just asked me to rot in hell."

Taehyung said without a hint of emotion in his tone and face.

"Sigh, it definitely means he knows more than he should. I wonder why he chose to work with Park. But, Namjoon, did Jin called you or something?"

Yoongi was trying to figure out if Jin and Jimin got something to do with this or in case if they found out about their identities as underground mafias.

Namjoon shakes his head saying Jin didn't call him but he did text him as usual for the past 3 days.

"So you haven't met him yet? Didn't go to the cafe?" Yoongi asked again.

"Nope, I know we had a handful with PHS in the base, so I delayed the meeting with Jin. I didn't get to the cafe as well. But it seems like he doesn't know about it. He was his usual self." Namjoon explained.

"Hurm, then I think he probably doesn't know. Even Jimin texted and called me but no indication of anything suspicious."

"So are we just gonna let it slip that I was kidnapped by the bunny boy and the brothers might know but they might be lying and God know how Hobi is now?"

Taehyung sarcastically aimed his question to his brothers.

Yoongi sighed and looked at his Lil brother sitting there getting restless about this. After all, he was kidnapped by the boy he had his eyes on, he just felt a bit intimidated by that.

"Look Tae, we can't assume anything now. We have to take care of PHS before we make any move for the brothers. As far as I know, Hobi is still in a coma, so we are safe for now."

Taehyung scoffed at Yoongi thinking they are safe for now when he was kidnapped right in front of their face. Literally.

As he was gearing up something to reply, he phone buzzed with a notification in his hand. He stared at the message for a few seconds before bringing his devilish smirk on his face.

"Perfect, I'm gonna excuse myself for a while brothers. I'm gonna go hunting."

Taehyung stood up from his seat and adjusted himself, put on his bandana and ruffled his hair a little with his smirk still plastered across his face.

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