25. Shy Encounter

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Third Person POV

The next morning at Brother's household.

"Good morning Kookie."

Jin greeted the younger who was walking down the stairs looking not so like his usual self. Perhaps Jungkook didn't even notice his hyung greeted him good morning as he kept replaying the incidents between him and Tae last night.

The whole incident has cost him a night worth of sleep and the little one is not happy about it at all. He is still very overwhelmed about the whole thing.

"Kookie? Are you alright?" Jin asked again.

Jungkook dragged himself to the kitchen and took a bottle of milk out of the fridge. He took the seat at the island and started to slowly chuck the milk down.

 He took the seat at the island and started to slowly chuck the milk down

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"Gezzz Hyung...*cough...I almost *cough...choke..*cough" Jungkook was tapping his own chest trying to calm down the coughs as he was startled by Jin's sudden yelling that he choked on his milk.

"Finally, you replied, I thought you were dead walking. Are you ok?" Jin asked in a more concerned tone.

"Mhmm, Im good. Sorry didn't see you there."

"Didn't see me? Yah how did you even missed my angelic presence and handsome face walking into the kitchen?" Jin was offended (pretends to).

"Haha hyung, you need to stop being so self-absorbed, I don't know how is Joonie Hyung keeping up with you." Jungkook broke into a tiny laugh with the antics by his eldest hyung.

"Hello, brothers! Everyone looks better today, what's up Jin Hyung? You look happy, any news on Hobi hyung?" Jimin walked right into the kitchen and took an apple off the counter while greeting his brothers.

"Oh ya, I forgot to update you guys, but I did call in the Doctor earlier this morning. Hobi is out of danger and he is no longer needing the respiratory machine, but he is still in a coma. However, Doctor said its good that he is now recovering on his own."

Jin calmly updated the two sitting in front of him.

"So, it means Hobi Hyung will wake up soon?" Jungkook looked at his Hyung with his big doe eyes.

"Kookie, I really hope so. I think we can only pray for time to heal him. As long as he is recovering, that's good news." Jin assured the little one.

Jungkook just sadly nodded his head but at the same time glad that his Hobi Hyung is fighting it through.

"Urm, I will visit Hyungie a little later in the hospital, I just need to head out somewhere. Need to settle some things, is it ok Jin Hyung?" Jungkook informed and asked permission from Jin.

Jin just nodded and asked him to take care while being out there and come home on time for dinner.

"Oh me too Hyung. I need to meet Yoongi Hyung for some details about the event, I will visit Hobi Hyung on my own." Jimin too was occupied and was ready to meet Yoongi about the project.

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