8. Seriously?

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Taehyung's POV

"Wrong Hosoek? What the hell you mean we got the wrong Hosoek?" I was bewildered when Namjoon hyung ended the call with Officer Carl and informed us we got the wrong guy.

"Is this a joke or what?" Yoongi hyung was equally as confused as me.

Just for the record, we have never hunted or marked down the wrong guy before. Since the day we 3 have packed up, we have always executed our work neatly and precisely. So, yes, this is a shocking news to me.

"Yea, Officer Carl ran the data in his system and found out we got the wrong Hosoek. We should mark Park Ho Seok, not Jung Hosoek who is tied up in our basement now." Joon hyung explained.

"No shit! You're telling me now we got the wrong guy? I almost killed his ass for being ignorant of my identity. What the fck!!!" I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled a few strands out of frustration.


I heard notification goes off on Joon hyung's phone.

"Check the message, who is it from? Officer Carl? Quick!" I was growing very tense.

"Tae, calm down

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"Tae, calm down. Let's monitor the situation." Yoongi hyung told me although I can see he is equally puzzled by all these.

"Yes, its Officer Carl. He sent a profile of the exact Hosoek we should have tracked down." Namjoon hyung opened the file and to say I am shitting my pants due to shock would be an understatement.

"Shit, we really gotten the wrong guy." I mumbled.

"How is this possible?" Yoongi hyung started pacing back and forth thinking hard about the possibility of things going wrong.

"I know why..coz we forgot to fcking ask for his full name. They are both Hosoeks, just one is Park and the other one over here is Jung." I explained through my clenched fist.

Damn it! I can't fcking believe we got the wrong guy.

"Im so sorry guys, I was the one suppose to track him down and I made the silly mistake which is gonna cost us a lot now." Namjoon hyung fell on his knees with hands on his head.

"Joon calm down will ya? I was the one who picked this Hosoek's profile out of the tracking system. If you guys need to blame anyone then that's me."

I faintly heard as both Yoongi hyung and Joon hyung started to argue back and forth about who can take the blame better.

"ENOUGH!" I accidentally yelled out loud.

"Im sorry but please, this is enough. We need to control the damage here, playing a blame game isn't gonna work."

I attempted to make both of them understand.

"What are we gonna do? The brothers are at the police station now demanding actions to be taken. And Tae, I think Jungkook might be able to recognize you coz Officer Carl mentioned he has a very vivid memory of you." I was taken back a little through what Joon hyung said.

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