30. Missing

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Third Person POV

After the day of the argument, Joon and Yoongi wanted Tae to cool down a little hence they just resorted to sending multiple texts and emails about their final plan. No Phone Calls.

"Hyung, we need to stop this, we can't be relying on just texts and emails, we need Taehyung here with us now. The event is in 2 days and PHS will be back today."

Namjoon called Yoongi over to his place and decided to end this for once and for all. He is the leader among the three and he needs to take matters into his own hand now.

"I know, let's call that shithead down then. I don't even know what is he up to, thank God we didn't hear another complaint from Officer Carl."

*Ring Ring

Namjoon was stunned when he sensed the phone vibrating in his pocket.

He was low-key terrified if Yoongi just jinxed what he said and someone was calling to complain about Taehyung, or worse case if he gets caught doing something illegal.

"Answer it Joon."

Namjoon nodded and frantically took out the phone while dropping it once on the floor earning a disapproving head shake from Yoongi before answering it.

Phone Conversation between Namjoon and Jin

"Hello Joonie? Joonie??"

"Jin hyung? Yes Yes I am here, what's up?"

"Joonie...I...I...Joonie Help."

"Jin, calm down, what's wrong? Tell me slowly babe, I can't understand you."

"J-jungkook. Joonie..my Jungkook, he is gone."


Phone call ends


Namjoon nodded a few times and said ok before ending the call and look at Yoongi who was seated with a puzzled and worried look on his face.

"Jungkook is gone Hyung."

"Gone? What? What you mean by gone? Namjoon you're not making sense."

"We need to go to Jin Hyung now."

"Alright, come on, and where is Taehyung? We need to call him too."

Namjoon was picking up his car keys before he stopped abruptly with eyes wide opened.

"Holy Shit, Tae is gone too."

Yoongi started to squeeze his head feeling the frustration and refuse to think any further.

"Look Namjoon, let's not make any assumptions, let's keep calling Taehyung and just get to Jin to make sure we understand the situation alright."

Namjoon nodded and crossed his fingers secretly hoped that both his and Yoongi's deduction will be wrong. Although it's pretty rare that the leader of the group and the IT genius get things wrong.


Location: Brother's Cafe

"Hyung? Jin hyung?"

Namjoon flung the door opened as soon as he got inside the cafe. He was not surprised that the cafe is not open for business as Jin informed him over the phone that he closed the cafe for the day.

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