3. Missed

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The next morning, situation at the Brothers' Cafe was busy as usual with regular customers walking in and out grabbing their daily dose of coffee and yummy meals.

Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

"Jimin ah, where is Jungoo?" Jin asked as he noticed his lil brother was not present among the employees around the cafe.

"Yea hyung? Googie? I think he might not be coming in today coz he told me he had something to fetch out of town for his art supply though." Jimin recalled the younger mentioning his plan to get some supplies out of town.

"Ah really? I guess he forgot to let me know. It's alright, we can manage the crowd today I think since its a Monday."

Jimin gave Jin a thumbs up and started to arrange the freshly baked pastries on the shelf

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Jimin gave Jin a thumbs up and started to arrange the freshly baked pastries on the shelf.


"Hyung, ready to go? Everything set?" Taehyung pressed the earpiece closer into his ear checking the situation with Yoongi over the line.

"Yep, all good to go, you're set and I am monitoring the street, target is not in yet."

"Alright, we will just wait then. I have Namjoon hyung here with me too." Taehyung reported back.

"Duh, of coz I know he is there, I sent him with you and I can clearly track him too. Stupid." Yoongi playfully called Taehyung dumb.

Taehyung rolled his eyes already getting used to Yoongi's passive aggressiveness with him.

"Excuse me? But can we maybe wait inside instead?" Namjoon voiced out suddenly breaking the concentration on Tae who was intensely keeping an eye on the cafe entrance from inside his car.

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