56. Confession

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Jungkook's POV
I'd never get used to Taehyung's driving skills.

In a flash of a second, we are parked in front of the two-story grey and white house which I have grown to call my humble home.

I blame my chaotic brain which kept making itself dizzy with all the crazy assumptions and terror of walking into the house, ready to face my Hyungs AND TAEHYUNG'S.

I was brought back to the present when Tae took my hand in his and gently planted a kiss. I love it when he acts soft with me, it's like I am a precious jewel which he needs to handle with utmost care.

My lips arched to a weak smile as I mumbled an I Love You.

"You can say it a little louder to make my heart swell more you know." He winked at me.

I will also never get used to his witty comments and egoistic nature. I love that about him too.

"Asshole." I rolled my eyes.

"Come to think about it, you really like calling me an asshole, is it coz you love my ass hole? Like literally?" He furrowed his brow as if he was thinking about a dire situation of an economic crisis.

"Stop it! It's not the time to make jokes Tae, we are literally about to be eaten alive."

He dropped his head to my shoulder and started laughing.

"Oh boy, you're so adorable."

I pouted. Is he really not taking it seriously?

"Fine, stay here. Don't take this seriously. If my Hyungs gang up on you and want to eat you, I will gladly let them do so."

I said as a matter of fact. I don't mind my brothers kicking his ass. He deserves it.

I lied.

His trail of laughter dropped when he raised his head and faced me. I steadied my wandering gaze on him, taking his usual cool and dark expressions back in.

"They won't. I won't allow it."

I gulped and nodded as he cupped my cheeks gently brushing our lips together. If I can be electrocuted, I would know exactly how it will feel coz I swear I was being attacked by a thousand volts of power when his lips caressed mine.

"Do you know why I won't allow?"

I shake my head, trying to wet my drying lips.

"Coz I am only gonna be eaten by you." He leaned in a whisper at my ears, shooting the message right into my skull.

I shivered. I would have peed my pants if he didn't detach himself from me. The V effect is too much for a poor boy like me to handle.

I cupped my own cheeks retaining the heat which was caused by him as I saw him walk out the driver seat and came to my side, opening the door like a gentleman.

I giggled like a kid on a sugar rush as I stepped out, taking his extended hand into mine.

"You know you can drop the gentleman act, they won't easily approve you just coz you're being nice."

Mocking Taehyung is such fun and I will do it every chance I get, it doesn't matter we are sort of boyfriends now. Oh My God, we are boyfriends now, aren't we? ASFDGHJKKL.

"Damn it, here I thought I could score some brownie points from that."

Taehyung faked his frustration as I returned it with my laugh. I feel a lot relieved now as we walked into the lion's den.

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