58. It's Not A Drill

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Third Person POV

Jin jumped on his seat when he heard both Jimin and Jungkook yelled.

"Omo omo, calm down, you made my heart jump." Hoseok vigorously tapped his chest trying to calm his heart down as he got startled by Jimin's high pitch voice and Jungkook's sharp tone in his ear.

"Join who? Join you?" Yoongi pointed at Hoseok.

"Mhmmm." Hoseok winked.

"What? Why? I thought the whole problem here is we almost lost the one we love coz we work as mafias behind their backs."

Taehyung stood up as he was curious about why Hoseok would suggest something like this.

"Precisely V. We almost lost them coz we hid it from them. Now, we have no reason to hide. They will know everything from here on."

Hoseok explained, trying to make some sense.

"But why would you wanna use us Hoseok? It still doesn't make sense." Yoongi asked.

"Suga. I told you guys before, you guys are among the best I have seen. I need people who will have their motives aligned like mine. I do no harm to innocent people, I have no greed for fortune, I only do this as a matter of defense against the criminals. I protect, I don't prosecute."

Hoseok elaborated as he fell back comfortably on his seat, arms around the back of his head looking back and forth between RM, Suga, and V.

Taehyung nodded as he rubbed his temple, trying to understanding.

"Are you gonna make Tae a bad person Hobi Hyung?"

Jungkook fidgeted as he asked.

Taehyung's thinking was broken immediately when he heard his bunny's voice. His heart melted at the sight of his boyfriend getting worried about him.

Tae took his step towards Jungkook, sat on the arms of the couch while he pulled Jungkook's head to his chest.

"I won't turn bad baby. I won't."

"But does that mean you will join Hobi Hyung? To continue what you do now?"

Jungkook looked up at Taehyung with his doe eyes seeking more clarification.

"Jungkook, I did not agree to anything yet. Don't get upset alright?"

The younger nodded at Tae as he laid his head against the older's chest finding the rhythm of his heartbeat slowly soothing his own messed up mind.

Jungkook has mentioned he loves Taheyung as he is, but just the thought about putting Taheyung in a constant dangerous situation makes him wanna vomit.

"Jin Hyung, you knew about this?"

Jimin turned to his older brother and was surprised when Jin did not comment or jump on Hoseok's suggestion.

Jin looked at Jimin, nodded, confirming that he knew about Hoseok's proposal.

"O...K.....So it means us 3 are being staged here in this encounter for Hosoek to fish us into his gang? Is this what the meeting is all about?" Yoongi looked from left to right, hoping either Jin or Hoseok will answer.

"We did not stage this. I really wanted to confess that I have talked to Hoseok and actually...with Namjoon too. That's why I asked for his help to gather you guys here."

Jin explained as he also has met with Namjoon shortly after to patch things up and seek for his help to get Taehyung and Yoongi.

"Betrayer." Yoongi mumbled towards Namjoon which the latter ignored with a sly smirk.

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