47. Un - Love

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Third Person POV

"I told you Hyung, I came back for you guys."

"You came back and you caused all these troubles?" Jungkook asked as he couldn't understand why Hobi wanna come back and ruin their lives this way.

"Don't get me wrong Kookie. I love my job, but I also love and missed you guys. I did say I am a mafia leader, but I didn't say I was a criminal that uses the drug to abuse young people."

"So what? You think that makes you a noble kind of mafia?" V was irritated with Hoseok trying to be all sweet and nice in front of them, more precisely with Jungkook.

"Now look who is speaking. Aren't you and your two brothers also work as underground mafias? Whatever that shit is. You think killing is not a sin if you kill the bad guys?"

V's jaw tensed at Hosoek as he purposely mocked him and his brothers.

"Omg, so Yoongi Hyung and you guys are also the bad guys??" Suga turned and saw Jimin eyeing him with hatred and disgust.


"Shut up Suga, don't think you can easily attach yourself to my brother like that. Same goes to you V and RM."

Hosoek was being protective

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Hosoek was being protective. The other 3 brothers who were still seated on the ground grew a little darker in shades of red as they thought about their personal interactions with the mafia brothers.

"I came back to stop the drug dealings. I needed to know who is using my name to conquer the underworld tradings here. It took me some time but I guess thanks to you 3, I found out PHS and his asshole of an assistance James are the culprits."

"So they knew you were coming?" RM clarified.

"They knew but they didn't know the way I handle my business. They thought I am here to join their business deals and make it more profitable."

"Then why did you act like you were in a coma?" Suga asked.

"That so I can clearly identify who is V, Suga, and RM. I must say, I heard a lot about you guys." Hoseok smirked at them. The mafia brothers were taken back a little but they didn't say anything.

"Oh, so you assholes think it's ok to do whatever shitty mafia business and we have to suffer for it?" Jin's earlier sadness has now turned to anger.

RM was gulping in fear, more than he fears the gang leader in front of him.

"Jin...babe.." RM stepped closer to him trying to pacify his lover.


"You, Jung Hosoek. I don't give a shit who you are, but for you have lied to me and our brothers, you better be sorry for your little ass that we are no longer your family."

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