11. Friends

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Third Person POV

After a painful week of being confined in the hospital, Hosoek is finally glad he is back home with the people he love. Of coz being a ray of sunshine himself, he can't sit still at home so called being "bed rested" by Jin, hence he sneaked to work today.


As Hosoek walks into the cafe bright and upbeat with energy...

As Hosoek walks into the cafe bright and upbeat with energy

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"Ahhhh Hosoekie Hyung..." Jungkook was left stunned seeing his brother coming into the cafe, he knows that Jin is not gonna like this at all.

"Jungkook ah, come and arrange this pastries for me, what are you doing there??" Jin was carrying a basket of pastry as he walked upfront and saw Hoseok standing there.

"JUNG HOSOEK. WHAT THE HELL YOU'RE DOING HERE??? JUNGKOOK HOLD THIS BASKET." Jin handed the basket to Jungkook who stared both his hyung with his doe eyes.

"Yah come here!" Jin pulled Hoseok by the ear and twisted it earning a loud yelp from Hosoek.

"AH AH AH AH HYUNG!!!! Be careful, I am still 'sick' remember!" Hosoek was screaming in pain.

"Precisely, what the hell you're doing here when I instructed you to stay home and rest, you didn't listen to me at all." Jin warned Hoseok.

He let go of Hosoek's ears and crossed his arms front of his chest. Jimin who came out from the kitchen at the right time found it so hilarious that he started laughing uncontrollably which was joined in by Jungkook.

"I told you to stay home, your ignorant little ass can't even obey my instructions. You just recovered! You want me to drag your ass back to THE HOSPITAL???" Jin was fuming in anger and well partially being dramatic as usual (which is adorable btw).

"Hyung, I'm bored. I don't wanna stay home, I missed you guys and the cafe." Hosoek pouted at Jin.

"Yah, stop being cute in front of me, YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED HOME." Jin was now trying to control his smile when he saw Hosoek giving him cute little expressions. He know he have to be firm for the sake of Hosoek's health.

Of coz Jimin and Jungkook being the two youngest was finding this very entertaining as they kept laughing.

*Ding (the cafe door bell rang)

All the boys were so into the scenes that they forgot to notice the customers at the door.

"Jin hyung? Is everything ok?" Namjoon was a little surprised to see the scene in front of him.

Jin immediately turned when he heard the voice he have now found very familiar with.

"Oh Namjoon..hi." His so called angry expression immediately dropped when he saw Namjoon standing there looking oh so adorable. "Come in." He said with a smile which made Hosoek pout even further when he notice Jin was being lovely to others and not him.

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