32. D-DAY

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Third Person POV

D-DAY of PHS event - Brother's Household

"Jimin? Kookie? Are you boys done?"

Jin asked as he was prepping the breakfast for his brothers in the kitchen.

Jin asked as he was prepping the breakfast for his brothers in the kitchen

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Jimin was the first to enter the kitchen while grabbing onto a few bags in his hand and a cloth hanger with his suit hung neatly.

"Holy...are you moving out or what? Why do you have so many bags?"

Jin was shocked to see his brother holding all the stuff in his hand and struggling to hold onto his clothes.

"Come, put it down here. I will help you later to load the car."

"Thanks, Hyung, where is Kookie? Some of these bags are his stuff, he left it by my door and didn't bring them with him when he came down earlier. I have to carry it all down."

Jin was wiping his pancake mix when he heard Jimin complaining about Jungkook.

"Jungkookie? He is still in his room. He is not down yet. I was here since 6 am, and I didn't see him."

"Huh? Really? But...but...he wasn't in his room when I checked."

"Jimin, are you sure? I mean he wasn't down here and he definitely didn't come down while I was here."

Jimin was lost in his thought as in where could their little brother might be if not at home early in the morning. As they both have to be at Royal Palace by 10 am later to start the preparation for the evening.

"Hyung...I'm getting so worried about Jungkook lately, is he ok? Where is he?" Jimin felt anxious and started to pace back and forth.

"Calm down, m-maybe he would have gone s-somewhere? I will call him. Sit down and eat your breakfast."

Jimin nodded at Jin and took a seat down the island but unable to swallow any food although he was super hungry just a min ago.

He kept eyeing Jin who nervously picked up his phone and dialled the younger.

After a few seconds of agonizing rings...

Phone call between Jin and Jungkook

"Hello? Jungkook? Hello?"

"Hello? Hyung, yea?"

"Oh Thank God you picked up. Jungkookie, where the hell are you?"

"Urm, what's up Hyung? I-I'm here. A-at the hospital?"

"Jeon Jungkook. Are you telling me you're at the hospital or are you asking me if you're at the hospital, I swear I will disown your ass if you're not telling me the truth."

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