10. Feels Familiar Part II

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Jungkook was walking solemnly to their cafe after exiting the hospital. Although he was cheerful enough earlier in front of his hyungs, he was still very upset about the whole incident.

If only he could have reacted better and stopped the masked man from taking Hosoek.

"Sigh, whats the point I work out and be a strong man anyways? I can't even protect my brothers." Jungkook sighed while he opened the cafe door.

Thank God things were cleaned off yesterday on the front counter in the midst of the incident. Hence, the younger walked to the kitchen to see half a mess from what Jimin have left before he walked out to find the rest.

"Urm, it's not that bad..let me just brew the coffee and I can quickly clean this up." Jungkook went back to the counter and started brewing some coffees while he clean up the rest.

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While on the street, a certain raven hair boy stopped his car right at the entrance of Brother's Cafe when he notice the cafe was open for business.

"Hurm? I thought they must have been busy attending to Hosoek? Why is the cafe open?" Taehyung mumbled to himself while he unconsciously stopped the car and stepped out.

He tried to peek inside from afar but it wasn't really clear who was inside so he decided to inch a little and noticed a brown coconut hair was moving around cleaning the tables and brewing some coffees in the machine.

Taehyung stood a while observing the bunny boy he 'despise' for a while before moving inside to somewhat check on the situation (or that is the excuse he planned to give his hyungs in case they notice him through the planted CCTV).


Jungkook's POV

I was almost done cleaning the shelves and rearranging some freshly baked pastries when I heard the bell above our cafe door rang.

My heart skipped a beat out of shock but I soon recovered my pace when I turned around to greet the customer with a warm smile.

Be still my heart.

"Hello, welcome to Brother's Cafe, how may I assist your order?" I put on my adorable bunny smile (or at least that's what you think of me *cough* what people think of me) to greet the customer.

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