28. Ruthless

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(👆🏼 whoever edited the header pic! Bless you. My Namjin soul has been blessed.)


Third Person POV

As time was ticking closer, the Mafia Brothers decided they need to speed up things on their hand in order to execute their plans.

"Hyung, is everything set with the exit plan after we get PHS?" Namjoon checked with Yoongi who was busy refining the blueprint plan for exit from the event hall.

"Of coz it is, you think I'm an amateur?" Yoongi said proudly as he clicked on his iPad to pull out the exit plan on his projector screen.

"Cool." Tae who was sitting legs crossed at the back took in all the details and registered it in his mind.

"Perfect, so as per the current arrangement, Suga Hyung and V will be present in the event correct? I will be monitoring from our base and when things are executed, I will receive that asshole in our base?"

Namjoon put on his RM face and detailed out the plan in a summary.

"Perfecto. Now, Im sure the alarm will go off when V try to escape through the exits as it's fully guarded by micro scanner which forbids unauthorised movements, so we need to insert a chip in the system on the day of the event so that I can diffuse the alarm throughout the event."

Suga explained.

"But Hyung, wouldn't it raise confusion among the other workers especially Jimin when he notices that the alarm is not functioning?" V questioned knowing that most probably Jimin being Jimin will clearly check on things twice or more.

"Yea, that can be a problem and if he sees you're tweaking something off the system, he will ask why." RM too stated his concern about that.

"Hmmm, well I can keep him busy. Don't worry about it." Suga winked at his brothers indicating he knows how to keep Jimin's hands off the system and *cough maybe hands on him instead *cough.

V rolled his eyes and lowkey wish Suga won't be doing anything stupid coz he actually really like being friends with Jimin so he doesn't want his Hyung to play around and hurt his friend.

"Careful, you know our history with the brothers, and I am not buying the excuse that bunny gave about their Hobi Hyung. I think something is fishy with Hobi went missing." V alerted his brothers about his concern since last night.

"Yea...it was a little weird the way Jungkook was trying to stop and cover up when Jin Hyung wanted to speak, isn't it RM?"

"Yes Suga Hyung, I thought the same but I shrugged it off coz I didn't think much about it, now that V pointing it out, it did seem a bit weird."

"Hurm, could it be something happened? Any guesses?" Suga turned his chair around and started typing on his screen.

Both RM and V shook their head indicating they have no idea where Hobi could be.

As they were looking at Suga's screen, they noticed two tables popped up, one being a name list for passengers travelling around the city and the other table was for a list of patients in the hospitals.

"Urm Hyung? what's with the search? We are not tracking anyone down now do we?" V chuckled a little unable to understand why Suga is running the database when they are talking about Hobi.

"Bingo. There we found him." Suga clicked on the list that pulled out Hobi's file from the hospital list.

"Shit, he was admitted?" RM stood up from his seat and went closer to the screen.

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