46. The Truth

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Third Person POV

"Holy Shit"

James's eyes widen with shock as he saw the figure stepped through the door.

All the eyes were strained and a wave of shock commonly adorned all their faces.

"AHHH...Hurts...hurts.." Jimin continued to cry in pain as his thigh was bleeding non stop from the shot earlier.

"Jiminie..Jiminiee...hang in there." Jin was the only one seem to speak something out of his mouth as he held onto the crying brother while eyes traced back and forth to the entrance and Jimin.


The person spoke again making James tremble.

"M-master...master I am so sorry."

James immediately kneeled down and placed his arms over his head as he bowed down to the fast-approaching figure in front of him.

The person grasped a fistful of James's hair and tugged it harshly towards the back while slaps were heard across James's cheek.

The sound was brutal and merciless as James received a few harsh kicks in his stomach until he started puking blood.


The person took a gun from his suit pocket and aimed it at James who is now kneeling and crying for his life.

"Stop. it."

V was still holding his gun at an arm's length. Not particularly aiming at anyone but he was not prepared to lower them either.

"Do not instruct me, V."

The said person looked at V, with such a dark expression and anger on his face, ready to commit a murder.

"H-Hobi Hyung???" Jimin was resting half of his upper body on Jin's embrace as he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person, who looked like Hobi but fiercer. He didn't look like the usual sunshine whom the younger used to.

"Shhh...don't speak much Jimin. You're hurt." For a sec, the whole room thought they saw their usual Hobi with the way he spoke to Jimin.

"THIS ASSHOLE DARE TO TOUCH YOU, IM GONNA MAKE SURE HE DIES." Within the next minute, Hoseok pulled the trigger and all it took was one single shot in the head for James to be lying lifeless on the ground, eyes still pierced open in shock.

"NOOOOO!!! Hobi Hyung!!!!"

Jungkook didn't know why he panicked but he panicked.

Hoseok didn't utter a single word as he took a chair nearby and made himself comfortable while signaling to one of the guards who was standing on the floor above to free the captives.

"Now is a good time to lower your gun V. You don't wanna be dead next."

Hoseok slightly looked over at the snippers who now was aiming the guns at V. Only V.

Knowing that the situation is in a completely different mode now, V lowered the gun and tucked it back to his back belt while he loosened the tension on his shoulder.

He couldn't care less about the dead James or PHS, they meant nothing.

But, V surely had a lot of unsettled business with tonnes of questions. Looking at Hoseok in front of him, he knows that the latter is the only person who can provide the answers.

As all the boys were freed and Jimin's wound was taken care of by the guard under Hoseok's instruction, RM and Suga came closer to V and stood on either side of him.

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