44. Broken

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Taehyung's POV
Shit shit shit.

I need to get to the place now! Or else they will harm my brothers and Jungkook's too.

"Jungkook, let's go. I'll drive."

I took a few breathers to calm myself down and looked around to search for Jungkook as I picked my car keys.


I turned and saw him kneeled on the floor, crying.

My heart shattered a little at the sight. There is no time for me to comfort him now or talk about anything else. I need to reach the place and try to save all of them. I don't even know who took them.

Sighing at the thoughts that were rushing into my mind, I bent down and held onto Jungkook's shoulder trying to get his attention.

"Jungkookie. Hey...listen, we need to go. Now."

I tried to say softly as I noticed he was still shaking and sobbing like a kid. I lifted his chin to face me and my heart sunk a little when I saw him completely broken.

"Hyung...my Hyungs..."

"Jungkook listen, we have no time to waste now. We need to hurry, I promise, I will bring them all back."

"But T-tae...they l-looked...they looked so beaten..."

"I know bunny, I know. Gosh, please listen to me this one time. We really need to go. I will figure some things out."

Jungkook nodded as he wiped his tears off with his fingers and quickly stood to close the glass door and rushed out with me.

I started the engine as fast as I could and key in the navigation to wherever the hell this place was located at. I was glad that time showed 1 hour 45 mins of drive.

I am gonna reach in 1 hour.

"Seatbelts on Jungkook."

I didn't bother to say or talk anything further with him as I was running every single possible plan in my mind to keep everyone safe. I don't know how the hell I am gonna do it but I will.


Third Person POV

The car ride was fast and...awkwardly silent.

Jungkook started to sob silently soon after they hit the road. He looked over and saw Taehyung was driving and speeding down the road with his usual emotionless face and angered expression.

He wanted to comfort and be comforted by the older but he was too scared to even say anything.

Jungkook can't believe how did he end up in such a mess. He barely remembers how peaceful his life was up until the day before he met Taehyung.

Since the day he locked eyes with the older, he knew his life was never gonna be the same and truthfully, he doesn't know if he is regretting becoming so attached to the older.

All he wanted was to be happy and have a problem-free life with his Hyungs, look at him now. Sitting in a car with an underground mafia heading on a mission to save his brothers from another potential killer.



As Taehyung noticed he was closer to the base location sent by the unknown person, he somehow had a plan in his mind.

He stopped for a few minutes by the road since they were ahead of the time anyways.

"Listen. Jungkook."

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