37. I Feel Pain

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Warning: Might contain violence. (It won't be excessive so I hope it's alright)


Taehyung's POV

There he is. Standing at the corner with so much hatred in his eyes looking at me.

I can't tell for sure if I am hallucinating or this shit is for real. I blame the drug they used on me to knock me out but again, I can't be seeing things wrongly. Especially not when it comes to the one face which I have engraved in my mind and heart recently.


"Hmm, the cat caught your tongue again V?"

I averted my eyes back to PHS who was looking very pleased with himself.

"What do you want?" I asked through my gritted teeth.

"Now that you know Jungkookie here is the one who brought you in, how do you feel? Surprised? Sad? Hurt? Or just as clueless as you were since the beginning?"

PHS stood up and walked towards Jungkook as he throws his arms around the bunny's shoulder. I looked at him and saw nothing but still a pair of doe eyes filled with hatred and just disgust. Is he disgusted with me?

I chose to remain silent.

"I have to say, Kookie here is so excellent with his work. Don't you think V? He was so eager to get you here once I told him who you really were and what you did to his beloved Hobi Hyung."


So he poisoned Jungkook against me?

"Well, don't act almighty now shall we Park? You're not an angel anyways."

I gathered my energy which was slowly dripping away from my body and directed it towards PHS.

"Shut. Up. You have no right to say what or how I am as a person. Not after you killed so many people."

I saw Jungkook flinched at this as his doe eyes are now holding back a sheer glass of tears. He looks like he could break any seconds.

"Pfft fine, then send your minions off, especially that bunny boy. I don't wanna see him."

I said it coz I want Jungkook to get out of here. I don't know what PHS have told him but I do not want to endanger Jungkook's life and make him more terrified than he probably is now.

If I sounded like a douche bag then let be it, I need to keep him safe and that's all running through my mind now.

"And why should I listen to you?"

PHS challenged me back as he steps forward.

"Hmm, why? You can't bloody function without so many minions around you? Are you afraid of me PARK HO SEOK?"

I know the one thing that shithead hates, is to be-littled. So I did what I could to trigger him.


*Bang bang bang

I heard gunshots and I closed my eyes shut.

After a few minutes, I checked on myself while keeping my eyes closed. No pain. I'm still breathing. Ok, I am still alive.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw PHS was breathing heavily with a gun on his hands, smoke emitting from the gun after shotting and he was staring at me with anger.

"Jungkook. Leave. And Do Not Speak a word of this. I will take care of the rest. Go back."

Thank God.

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