35. Go

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Third Person POV

It was almost time and Jimin was running through final checks as he walked around the venue checking on the display systems, projectors, audios as well as popping ahead into the security room to ensure monitors are up and running.

He felt very proud of himself for being the head of IT and technician for this huge event happening in the city.

After a satisfying check around the hall, he retrieved back to the sound room and noticed it was almost 6 PM and guests have been flocking the event venue sipping on their cocktails and canapes.

But where is Jin Hyung and Jungkookie?

Jimin was looking around for these two and took out his phone to dial them. As he was pulling out the contact list, he noticed a certain button on the PA system was not blinking as it should.

"Urm isn't this the button for the security main cam? Why is it not blinking? It should be, is it not recording?"

Jimin wondered as he cut the call and moved forward to the buttons to check on it.

As he was about to take on a closer look, an arm suddenly gripped him and turned him around which forced him to glide into the said person's chest with a loud thump.

"Omg!" Jimin yelled loudly coz he was a little stunned from the sudden force.

"Oh no, sorry about that."

"Huh? Hyung?" Jimin steadied himself as he looked up to the owner of the chest he bumped into. There is Yoongi all decked up in his suit and hair styled to perfection.

Jimin stood there for a while feeling breathless as he took it all in.

"Like what you see?" Yoongi winked at the younger.

"Ahem..I-I..you look nice."

"Thanks, Mochi, you don't look too bad yourself."

Jimin cupped his own cheeks feeling the blood rushing into his face making it warm

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Jimin cupped his own cheeks feeling the blood rushing into his face making it warm. He was blushing.

"U-urm thanks?"

"No problem, I see you did all the checking, urm, maybe you wanna go out there and see if you u-urm wanna maybe I don't know check on Jungkook too?"

Yoongi walked in earlier just on time when he noticed Jimin was eye-ing the screen and the button which he has coded to set the alarm off as needed.

He didn't know what to do so he abruptly pulled the younger into his chest and hence now trying to talk his way through and send him out of the room coz he knows the younger was probably looking for his brothers as he was on the phone dialling.

"Oh yea, Kookie and Jin Hyung, I wanted to look for them...but..this signal here Hyung, it's looking weird.." Jimin turned back a little wanting to show the screen to Yoongi when he felt someone cup his cheeks and baaaam!

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