42. Lust

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Jungkook's POV


I called him out. I can't stand him standing in front of me and not doing anything.


I don't feel the shame anymore as I begged for him to do something. I was already feeling sensitive and I wanted him to touch me.


"I said quite baby, it's not the time for you to make noises yet."

I pouted coz I thought he would have entered me by now. Thinking about the image of him pounding into me made me wild and my pants grew tight.

"Well well well, look at you. Already fantasizing about me?"

I saw him unbutton his shirt and throw it to God knows where. I couldn't move my eyes from him. He is completely naked now.

I gulped looking at his honey skin and strong chest, how I want to mark him all over. Mhmmm.

I saw him getting on the bed on all fours as he climbed to hover on top of me. His presence towering over me, causing my stomach to make flips that I never knew was possible.

"Undress yourself." I heard him commanded.

I absolutely hate it when he instructs me, but right now. I don't mind it at all.

I obediently nodded as he held onto my thighs between his knees. He leaned back a little allowing me to sit up as I took my shirt off in one go.

I laid back down and without breaking my eye contact with him, I pulled both my sweatpants and my boxers down

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I laid back down and without breaking my eye contact with him, I pulled both my sweatpants and my boxers down. I reached mid-thigh before he slapped my hands away and took it from there.

One swift move, I was completely naked in front of him. He kept looking at me as if I am the best meal spread out in front of him. I have never felt so shy before, but right now, I feel like I can bury myself and be thankful for it.


Third Person POV

Taehyung knows that this is probably not something he should be doing right now given he has something more important.

But when Jungkook yanked him off the door and planted a soft kiss on his lips earlier, he couldn't be bothered about anything else.

All the bottled up emotions for his bunny just exploded like a volcano resulting both of them in this situation - him topping Jungkook who is already completely naked in from him.

"Taehyung, please."

Jungkook tried to move his face to the side trying to hide the embarrassment. He can't stand the way the older is looking at him so lustfully.

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