12. House 'Party'

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There came the day where Seokjin have invited the 'mafia' brothers for dinner at his home with his own brothers.

Third Person POV

"Jungkook ah...can you come down and give me a hand?" Jin yelled from the kitchen to his younger brother who seemed to disappear after a while roaming around the space.

"YEAAAAAAA" Jin heard Jungkook yelled back faintly.

"Geez, these boys have no discipline to make the house clean and help me out with the decency that we have guests coming over. ish." Seokjin started to mumble with the overwhelming stress about having Joon over for the first time.

"Ah hyung then you shouldn't have invited them over

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"Ah hyung then you shouldn't have invited them over." Jungkook pouted as he clearly heard what the older was mumbling when he walked into the kitchen.

"Yah you little bunny! Don't sneak on me like that!" Jin accidentally dropped the bowl on his hand. Thank God it was plastic.

Jungkook scrunched his nose.

"True hyung, you could have invited Joon Hyung only, why did you invite his other brothers?" Jimin too walked in supporting Jungkook's opinion earlier.

"Yah you little devils. It's not a secret I like Joonie isn't it? Now how can I ignore his brothers just coz I wanna have him over? Well should I kick you guys out of the house that I need to spend time with him? Ha? Ha? Ha???" Jin dramatically exclaimed.

"Ah hyung, you could have went out with him, not invited all of them over!" Jimin said.

Jin suddenly stopped his actions after hearing Jimin.

"Urm, why didn't I thought about it? I should have asked him out isn't it?" Jin started scratching his head.

"Hyung, it's so obvious you're getting old and you can't think...leave it, they are gonna be here in 30 mins, let me help you." Jungkook laughed a little looking at his older brother getting flustered and offered to help.

"Yea, we know you like him, thats why we are putting up with his weird brothers too. Fighting Jin hyung, go for it, I like Joon hyung, he is nice." Jimin too stepped in, taking part in helping Jin.

"Stob it." Jin broke into his windshield laugh and immediately turned tomato red when he heard what Jimin said. Deep down, he is super glad both of them are accepting Joon, of coz Hosoek as well who knew about it all along since he is the second oldest in the household.


Taehyung's POV

I sighed as I got into my car, with both Yoongi hyung and Joon hyung filling in the seats.

"Remind me again why do I have to spend my Sat night at someone's house? Pretending all friendly and nice when I clearly kicked one of their asses to the brick of death?" I said sassily as I rolled my eyes knowing my hyungs are watching me.

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