6. Dang It!

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Third Person POV

Taehyung simply can't believe the fact that the bunny buy who keeps interrupting him through his mission or personal time is a huge part of the plot they have in hand now.

"Hyung. I really can't believe this bunny boy keep appearing whenever I have something on my hand." Taheyung rubbed his chin and wondered after hearing the full on explanation on how are all the 4 boys related to one another.

"Maybe that's a fate!" Namjoon simply answered.

"Fate my ass. We can't afford to be soft and all mushy in love guys. We have a purpose to serve." Yoongi clapped his hands in front of their faces gathering back their attentions.

"Fine! I wasn't even being distracted by the bunny boy anyways." Lies. Taehyung shrugged it off and turned back to the monitor.

"So? When are we taking Hosoek in custody?" Taehyung put his game face back on.

"I say tonight." Yoongi smirked at Tae and sat down to set a few gadgets and trackers ready for Taehyung.

Namjoon at the corner with his arms crossed over his chest sighed in disbelief that they still wanna continue to kidnap Hosoek knowing that he is in love with Jin.

Although he gets the point, but he is still upset over the issue and decided to not be a part of it at all.

Back in Brothers Cafe

"Hyung! It's so good to have you around. You're like a ball of sunshine!" The youngest of them all wrapped his arms around Hoseok and squeezed him tightly.

"Yah Jungkookie. I get it. You're not the small boy I know anymore. Your arms are muscular and strong now. Don't kill me." Hosoek faked a cough as if he was choking.

The younger just laughed and continued to wipe the tables cleaning the areas as they are close to shutting down the business for the day.

"Welcome to Brother's Cafe, how may I help you?" Jin walked out of the kitchen when he heard the door bell ring.

"Oh Namjoon?" He stopped at the counter when he saw Joon standing at the door.

"Hi Hyung." Namjoon still gets all shy and mushy upon seeing Jin. Like every single time.

"Hi..you're late today. You usually stop by earlier." Jin too replied him sheepishly while inching closer to the counter.

"Oh yea. I actually...was working on something. So didn't manage to stop by. Urm. You're gonna close?" Namjoon asked upon noticing Hosoek and Jungkook are wiping off the tables at the corner while playfully laughing at each other.

"In about 30 mins. But sure I can take orders for you. Anything?" Jin was glad to be able to serve his 'favourite' customer.

"Ah no Hyung. Actually I wanted to...I wanted to ask you out. For dinner?" Joon slowly string his words in a sentence to ask Jin out.

"Excuse me? Out? What? Me? Urm..what?" Jin was blabbering nonsense with his mind stuck upon hearing the invite.

"Ya. If you don't mind. Just a casual dinner."

"YES OF COZ. YES. WAIT. YAHHH JUNGKOOK!!" Jin yelled immediately alerting the brothers by the corner.

Upon hearing his loud scream, Jungkook turned around super quickly not noticing the table in front of him which he hit across his knees.

"Ouch! Jin Hyung calm down. You scared me." Jungkook rubber his knees in pain.

"Come here!" Jin waved at his lil bro.

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