38. Healing

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Warning: Might contain slight violence / mention of drugs (though its very mild).


Third Person POV

"Hyung, how is he?"

Namjoon was back again the next day to Tae's house checking on him while Yoongi never left the younger.

"Same I guess? He hasn't woken a single second since he passed out last night."

"Not even when I went away for a bit this morning?"

Yoongi shakes his head indicating that Tae has been tossing and turning in his sleep but never gained consciousness.

"How about the things you went to take care of?" Yoongi closed the bedroom door allowing Tae to rest without noises as he brought Joon to the living room.

"I guess we were lucky coz nothing went wrong in the system nor the event. Well, thanks to you that no one grew suspicious about anything. Although I have Jimin pestering me where the hell did you go."

Yoongi smirked and promised that he will call Jimin later to stop him from disturbing Joon further.

"Good, please do that, I don't know what you did but he has been flustering each time he speaks about you Hyung."

"Well let's just say I gave him a taste of me."

Namjoon raised his brow in a very questioning note didn't want to decipher the real meaning behind it.

"Stop looking at me like that. But urm, no one suspected PHS was gone before the end of the event?" Yoongi was curious. He knows no recording can prove anything against them as there was no sign of forced entry or so, but he was wondering how did they end the event with the VIPs.

"Well that, apparently since PHS was already planning to leave early with V, so he kind of asked his next in line to close the event and send off the guests claiming he has a meeting to attend."

"I guess he really wanted to fck V last night huh? I still don't get it how he managed to think one step ahead. He was not even behaving suspiciously."

Yoongi was sure he didn't notice any particular movements in PHS's activity. He wasn't sure how V got caught and now they are all basically exposed.

"I think only V can answer that. After he wakes up."

Yoongi nodded and went to the kitchen to look for food as he was hungry and Namjoon was complaining he missed Jin's cooking.


After 2 days

"Gosh Hyung, why is Tae not waking up yet?"

Namjoon was seated at the right side of the bed while he was inspecting Taehyung who looked like he was sleeping very peaceful.

"I don't know Joon. It's been 2 days, I checked him this morning. He seemed normal. I don't know what they used to knock him out, maybe the drug is still wearing off from his system."

"We can't keep PHS long in the basement too. That fcker has been going in and out of consciousness and he doesn't wanna eat. He might die before we even interrogate him."

Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair getting frustrated at this situation.

"Maybe we should just go ahead and start off before things get too late." Yoongi motioned Namjoon to follow him to the base after checking on Taehyung one last time.


Back in the base (the mafia brother's basement)

"We seriously need to get this basement bleached after this, it stinks of blood and human flesh." Yoongi said as they walked down to the basement with masks on to greet their lovely captive - PHS.

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