22. All Is Well

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The next morning
At the hospital (Third Person POV)

"So doctor, can you explain again what's wrong with my brother?" Jin was calmly seated with both Jimin and Jungkook by his side.

The brothers woke up very early in the morning and rushed to the hospital as soon as they could.

"Very well Mr Kim. Upon the scanned reports, I can conclude that Mr Hoseok's memory might have came back in a flash which have caused his throbbing pain. He passed out due to the forceful recollection of the memories and still unable to regain consciousness."

"So does this mean he remembers whatever happened when he was kidnapped and tortured?" Jimin was nervous at this point.

"Well, we can only question him when he is awake. For now, it you see this part of the brain scanning, you can see the comparison which have done on the day he was admitted before."

"D-doctor I don't understand this." Jungkook shyly voiced out coz he wanna know in detail.

"No worries, I'm here to explain. So see the comparison? The cells are slowly repairing himself. And in the process of it, his lost memories are slowly coming back bits by bits. It may start with a name, then maybe a face? Then maybe the whole incident."

"Oh lord! So it means Hobi Hyung is alright?" Jungkook was fighting back his tears.

"Well. For now, he is alright. But he is still in coma, due to the high intensity of the pain earlier. He is stable but I can't guarantee when will he wake up."

"So it means he is not in danger right??" Jin wanted to get the final assurance

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"So it means he is not in danger right??" Jin wanted to get the final assurance.

"Yes Mr Kim. We have detected no further damage or danger. Let's just say he is in a deep sleep recovering from the injuries earlier. We will monitor him." Doctor gave a final assurance to the brothers and allowed them to visit Hosoek.

Upon thanking the doctor, all the brothers walked hand in hand to visit their sunshine who was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

This time around, Jungkook was tearing up with happiness that his Hobi Hyung is finally out of danger. Though he still hates to see the older lying there being wired with all these gigantic monitoring machines.

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