9. Hello

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The very next day, Jungkook was the first to wake up as he rushed into his brothers room to stir them awake.

"Hyung! Hyung! WAKE UP. WE NEED TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL. WAKE UP." Jungkook was literally running back and forth his brothers rooms to wake them up.

Within seconds, both Jimin and Jin are up coz they know the younger was frantically buzzing them early in the morning at 7 am to visit Hosoek before he gain consciousness.


Precisely at 8 am, all 3 brothers arrived at the hospital and gathered around the ward to visit Hosoek.

"I still can't believe someone would do this to him." Jimin wiped away his tears looking at how worn out Hosoek looked with multiple bruises around his face and body.

"Jimin ah, don't worry. Our Hosoekie is a strong boy, he will be fine. Doctor told me he is showing signs of improvement, all he need is rest." Jin hugged Jimin to console him and gave Jungkook an assuring smile when he saw the younger too was sobbing looking at Hosoek's condition.

"Hyung, can we just leave the cafe closed for the day? I want to be here with Hobi hyung

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"Hyung, can we just leave the cafe closed for the day? I want to be here with Hobi hyung." Jungkook voiced his desire to Jin.

"Yea of coz, we will all be here when he wakes up." Jin ruffled the younger's hair as they all surrounded Hosoek.

"Oh Hyung! Look, Hobi hyung is moving!!! Hyung look!" Jimin's eye grew wider as he saw Hosoek scrunched his nose a little and squeezed his eyes a few times.

"Oh!" Jin walked closer and monitored his brother.

"Hobi...Hobi hyung?" Jungkook slowly called out in a trembling voice.

Hosoek slowly opened his eyes with the sound of Jungkook calling him out. He blinked a few times and realized its the faces of his beloved brothers.

Tear flow off the side of Hosoek's eyes as he slowly mustered a weak smile on his lips indicating he is happy to see them and he is somewhat alright.

"I will get the doctor. Be back!" Jimin smiled and ran out of the room to return with the doctors in order to inspect Hosoek's condition.

After a while, doctor gave Hosoek a thumbs up of approval that he can be discharged after a week and requested to update the others with his condition.

"So, Mr Kim Seokjin, as the eldest of them all, I just need to warn you that Hosoek was beaten up pretty violently and it's a miracle he is even conscious now. Be very careful on his recovery and its better if you don't force any statement out of him as he might still be suffering from mild concussion which may result with certain memory losses."

The doctor carefully explained to Jin while the other 2 was closely listening at the back.

"So does it mean he have memory lost now?" Jin asked worriedly.

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