Epilogue 2: The "After"

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6 months.

Half a year have passed where all the boys had settled in slowly into their normal routines.

Namjoon has moved in with Jin, so as Taehyung. Most of the time, Jimin will go to Yoongi's and vice versa. Yoongi prefers to keep Jimin alone with him at his for obvious reasons.

However, the mafia brothers still kept Suga's Genius Lab as their meeting point, in order to keep the underground business away from their lovers.

The Brother's Cafe is a huge success among the locals, Jin was planning to expand their business very soon with the help of his brothers.

Jimin would occasionally partner with Yoongi for some underground dealings in case if the older of the two need some extra pair of hands.

Honestly, Yoongi just secretly loves to have his little Mochi around straddling his lap as he encodes or hacks into the enemy's security system. No big deal.

Along the months, Jimin and Yoongi have officialized their relationship too. It wasn't until Jimin threatened Jin that he will run away with Yoongi if Jin keeps protecting him. Although it was just a joke, Jin didn't wanna take the chances so he complied.

Hoseok spent the first 3 months after recruiting the boys under him to train them into his empire. Be the kind of mafias he wishes them to be, not allowing them to lose their personal touch as they were skillfully trained following the code of conduct.

For the past 3 months, he went overseas to his other bases and planned his return back home today to join his brothers and his partners in crime.


Taehyung and Jungkook on the other hand...

They never grew tired of each other. Jungkook's little lake house still remained as his hideout, more so it became a place where he will bring Taehyung to hide with if they need their own space. Which happens to be every other day.

Just like today, the two love birds supposed to meet at Jungkook's hideout after Taehyung finishes his meeting in the company which he manages under Hoseok.

Tae refuses to label himself as the CEO, but everyone else knows he practically already became one. The older have managed to successfully hike the company stock in the share market for Hope Corporation in the past 6 months he was managing it.

The younger continued his best effort to juggle between the cafe and his own art center now courtesy of Hoseok as a birthday gift for his little Kookie.

As insisted, Jungkook won the argument with Taehyung about being involved with their secret little mafia world and has been training with his boyfriend ever since. All his brothers apart from Namjoon and Yoongi have refused his involvement, but the youngest of them all can be quite persuasive.

Jungkook was not allowed to handle missions or pair with Taehyung for fieldwork until he finishes one full year of training as part of the negotiations, and a proper interview by Hoseok.

The younger was not worried about it at all as he knows better to charm his way around his brother when the time comes.

When asked about the danger that involves an underground business, Jungkook shut everyone by saying it's better for him to be with Taehyung than to be without him.

He won the argument.


Jungkook's POV

It's been 6 months since Taehyung and I started dating officially.

I know he has been very busy managing Hobi Hyung's company for him. Silly Taehyung. He doesn't wanna take Hobi Hyung's position as a CEO but he works his ass off like one. We all basically have crowned him as a CEO anyways.

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