54. Heart's Desire

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⚠️ SMUT ahead and pretty long chapter.

Taehyung's POV

"Jungkook. Do you have any problem loving me as who I am?"

I asked him as I desperately held onto him, worried that he will just slip away from me again.

When I notice him thinking and taking his time, I figured I know what is he gonna say next.


I'm sure it will be a NO. I am so selfish to think Jungkook will go against his beloved brothers and choose to be with someone like me.

I felt defeated as I loosened my grips on him. I came all the way to fight for what I wanted but I ended up losing him.

After releasing my hold on him, I stood in front of him, emotionally exposed, feeling the vulnerability.


I looked up at him, another river of warm tears pooling and gliding down my stained cheeks. I felt the last bit of energy in my body being sucked out.

"My mind said no Taehyung, I can never love a criminal, someone who kills, someone like V, someone who has no remorse

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"My mind said no Taehyung, I can never love a criminal, someone who kills, someone like V, someone who has no remorse."

He said it with so much conviction, it sent chills over my body. Realizing how terrible being V sounded from his perspective.

I nodded.


"B-but my heart's desire is screaming to me that I love you. I love Kim Taehyung a-and...I-I l-love V."

I closed my eyes and felt the heat creeping up my ears and a tight lump forming in my throat. It's a weird sensation but a feeling of relief at the same time?

I noticed it was the feeling of wanting to throw up earlier when Jungkook mentioned he didn't love V as per what his mind was saying.

Now that I heard what his heart desires, I felt the joy and bliss, nothing else.

I squeezed my eyes shut and let my body to slowly sink the words in. Banging my mind in a small victory dance that Jungkook's heart still desires for me. All of me.

I opened my eyes to be greeted by a pair of doe eyes. In such proximity that made my eyes squint.

"I love you. All of you."

I don't have to be convinced otherwise, I took my arms and wrapped around Jungkook's tiny waist locking them in with mine.

As I did, he cupped my cheeks and deepened our kiss once more. This time, I felt his soft lips on me, dangerously moving and sucking me making me breathless. I parted my lips for air when Jungkook took the chance to slide his tongue in finding mine.

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