41. Is This Better?

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Taehyung's POV

I don't know why is he crying but he is crying.

I was standing a few feet away from him when I saw him sinking lower to the ground while sobbing into his hands. Body shaking ever so slightly each time he sniffles.


"Go away Taehyung." He is asking me to leave. Again.

"Listen, I want to talk."

"I don't want to talk."

"I don't know what happened between you and Park but I think I need to know about it."

He removed his hands from his face and looked at me with teary eyes.

"I told you Taehyung, it's none of your business. I know who you are and you're the one who hurt Hobi Hyung. There is nothing else you need to say. I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

He stood up and hung his head low as he walked past me.

"Stop." I grabbed onto his arm as he was passing by my side. Sliding my palm down his tiny waist.

(Ignore the mics and Cutie Namjoon

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(Ignore the mics and Cutie Namjoon. I felt soft when I envisioned Tae holding onto Jungkook like this so I needed to include this gif.)


He turned his face and looked me in the eyes. His eyes are now dried up but it still holds the puffiness from the sobbing earlier.

"Can you just give me a chance to talk? About what happened? About us?"

My hold was still strong on his bicep as he looked deep into me. His brown orbs are holding so many emotions that I can't pinpoint.

He closed his eyes for a brief second before sighing out.

"Fine. Let me go and we can talk."

I immediately loosened my grip on him and stepped away, allowing him to take a couple of breathers.


Third Person POV

"Listen Tae, I know we are not best friends or anything. Just normal acquaintances, and we know what did you do to my brother, so just spill what you have to say and leave. Don't make me regret making you stay."

Both the older and the younger were now seated across each other as the younger clasped his hands together, elbow resting on his knees as he moved his upper body forward facing Taehyung.

"Fine, you don't have to keep reminding me that I almost killed your brother."

"Well, thanks for finally admitting it. asshole."

"Hey, I told you before! Don't call me an asshole."

Jungkook mumbled a tiny whatever before he looked back at the older waiting for him to continue.

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